
About the World Asthma Foundation (WAF)

Founded by professionals afflicted with Asthma, WAF was established to provide educational resources that inform patients, medical professionals and the general public about the latest clinical advances, management and treatment options for Asthma disorders.

WAF mission is to:

* Provide for communication among all of those affected by Asthma, including the general public, medical professionals and interested parties in government, business, and education
* Provide for education through the development of resources, publishing of articles and books, professional papers, and the sponsoring of seminars and conferences
* Stimulate the continued research, and advocacy by providing a forum for the raising of new ideas and an effective mechanism for dialog on these issues

The goals of the WAF are:

* To increase the world awareness of healthy breathing
* To assist in the education of the issues revolving around Asthma
* Identify potential problems associated and to provide resources for effective treatment
* To provide advocacy on behalf of sufferers worldwide
* Awareness, Research, CURES!

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