asthma; +39 new citations

39 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search.
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These pubmed results were generated on 2011/05/22

PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, includes over 15 million
citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950’s.
These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals.
PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.

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Increased apoptosis of CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes in the airways of horses with recurrent airway obstruction.

Increased apoptosis of CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes in the airways of horses with recurrent airway obstruction.

Vet Res Commun. 2011 May 19;

Authors: Moran G, Buechner-Maxwell VA, Folch H, Henriquez C, Galecio JS, Perez B, Carrasco C, Barria M

Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO, also known as equine heaves) is an inflammatory condition similar to human asthma caused by exposure of susceptible horses to poorly ventilated stable environments. The disease is characterized by neutrophilic airway inflammation, mucus hypersecretion and reversible bronchoconstriction. This inflammatory process is mediated by several factors, including antibodies, cytokines, resident cells of the airway and inflammatory cellular components that arrive in the respiratory tract. An increasing body of evidence has lent support to the concept that a dysregulation of T cell apoptosis may play a central role in the development of airway inflammation and the associated asthma. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate early and late apoptosis of CD4 and CD8 T cell subpopulations obtained from the airways of acute RAO-positive animals after exposure to hay/straw. The percentages of CD4 and CD8 T cells and their associated frequencies of apoptosis were quantified using flow cytometry. Hay/straw exposure induced clinical airway obstruction, airway neutrophilia and increased airway mucus production in RAO-positive horses. In addition, allergen exposure increased the percentage of CD4 T cells in RAO-positive horses as well as the frequency of early and late apoptosis in both CD4 and CD8 lymphocyte subpopulations. These results suggest that the higher frequency of lymphocyte apoptosis may play a role in disease progression of horses afflicted with RAO and may partially explain the characteristic remission of this pathological condition once the allergen source is removed. However, further studies are needed to clarify the role of T cell apoptosis in RAO-affected horses.

PMID: 21594641 [PubMed – as supplied by publisher]

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Exposure to phthalates: Reproductive outcome and children health. A review of epidemiological studies.

Exposure to phthalates: Reproductive outcome and children health. A review of epidemiological studies.

Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2011 Jun;24(2):115-41

Authors: Jurewicz J, Hanke W

Phthalates are a family of industrial chemicals that have been used for a variety of purposes. As the potential consequences of human exposure to phthalates have raised concerns in the general population, they have been studied in susceptible subjects such as pregnant women, infants and children. This article aims at evaluating the impact of exposure to phthalates on reproductive outcomes and children health by reviewing most recent published literature. Epidemiological studies focusing on exposure to phthalates and pregnancy outcome, genital development, semen quality, precocious puberty, thyroid function, respiratory symptoms and neurodevelopment in children for the last ten years were identified by a search of the PubMed, Medline, Ebsco, Agricola and Toxnet literature bases. The results from the presented studies suggest that there are strong and rather consistent indications that phthalates increase the risk of allergy and asthma and have an adverse impact on children’s neurodevelopment reflected by quality of alertness among girls, decreased (less masculine) composite score in boys and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Results of few studies demonstrate negative associations between phthalate levels commonly experienced by the public and impaired sperm quality (concentration, morphology, motility). Phthalates negatively impact also on gestational age and head circumference; however, the results of the studies were not consistent. In all the reviewed studies, exposure to phthalates adversely affected the level of reproductive hormones (luteinizing hormone, free testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin), anogenital distance and thyroid function. The urinary le vels of phthalates were significantly higher in the pubertal gynecomastia group, in serum in girls with premature thelarche and in girls with precocious puberty. Epidemiological studies, in spite of their limitations, suggest that phthalates may affect reproductive outcome and children health. Considering the suggested health effects, more epidemiologic data is urgently needed and, in the meantime, precautionary policies must be implemented.

PMID: 21594692 [PubMed – in process]

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asthma; +24 new citations

24 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search.
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These pubmed results were generated on 2011/05/18

PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, includes over 15 million
citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950’s.
These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals.
PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.

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asthma; +33 new citations

33 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search.
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These pubmed results were generated on 2011/05/17

PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, includes over 15 million
citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950’s.
These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals.
PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.

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asthma; +70 new citations

70 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search.
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These pubmed results were generated on 2011/05/14

PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, includes over 15 million
citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950’s.
These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals.
PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.

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asthma; +74 new citations

74 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search.
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These pubmed results were generated on 2011/05/11

PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, includes over 15 million
citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950’s.
These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals.
PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.

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asthma; +97 new citations

97 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search.
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These pubmed results were generated on 2011/05/06

PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, includes over 15 million
citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950’s.
These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals.
PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.

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asthma; +64 new citations

64 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search.
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These pubmed results were generated on 2011/05/02

PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, includes over 15 million
citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950’s.
These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals.
PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.

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asthma; +109 new citations

109 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search.
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These pubmed results were generated on 2011/04/24

PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, includes over 15 million
citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950’s.
These citations are from MEDLINE and additional life science journals.
PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.

View full post on pubmed: asthma