Moderate alcohol may reduce asthma risk –

Daily Mail

Moderate alcohol may reduce asthma risk
25 (UPI) — Moderate amounts of alcohol may reduce the risk of asthma, researchers in Denmark suggest. Sofie Lieberoth of the Bispebjerg Hospital in Amsterdam and colleagues found drinking one to six units of alcohol a week could reduce the risk of
Moderate alcohol intake cuts asthma riskTimes of India
A few drinks a week could reduce asthma
Moderate drinking reduces asthma riskThe Independent
Daily Mail –TopNews United States –
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NIHSeniorHealth site offers information about older adults and alcohol use

Having a drink now and then as you get older is not usually thought to be harmful, but alcohol can be a problem for older adults, especially if they take certain medications, have health problems or don’t control their drinking. Alcohol Use and Older Adults,, the newest topic on NIHSeniorHealth, provides helpful information about the effect alcohol may have on our bodies, health and lifestyles as we age. NIHSeniorHealth is the premier health and wellness website for older adults. It was developed by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the National Library of Medicine (NLM), both parts of the National Institutes of Health.

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