Kids With Asthma, Allergies May Face Heart Ri… – WebMD

Live Science

Kids With Asthma, Allergies May Face Heart Ri…
8, 2015 (HealthDay News) — A new study suggests that kids with asthma or allergies like hay fever may face as much as a doubling of their risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol — even if they aren't overweight. However, the risk to any one
Childhood Allergies Could Signal Heart Disease RiskLive Science
Children with common allergies have twice heart disease riskMedical Xpress

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Kids With Asthma, Allergies May Face Higher Heart Risk Factors: Study –

Live Science

Kids With Asthma, Allergies May Face Higher Heart Risk Factors: Study
8, 2015 (HealthDay News) — A new study suggests that kids with asthma or allergies like hay fever may face as much as a doubling of their risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol — even if they aren't overweight. However, the risk to any one
Childhood Allergies Could Signal Heart Disease RiskLive Science
Children with common allergies have twice heart disease riskMedical Xpress

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Asthma in winter: Cold weather can trigger asthma attacks, seasonal allergies – Bel Marra Health

Bel Marra Health

Asthma in winter: Cold weather can trigger asthma attacks, seasonal allergies
Bel Marra Health
Asthma in winter: Cold weather can trigger asthma attacks, seasonal allergies Asthma in the winter can trigger asthma attacks and seasonal allergies. The cold winter air can be an asthmatic's worst nightmare as it makes it far more difficult to breathe.

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Study questions benefit of breastfeeding in preventing allergies, asthma – ConsumerAffairs


Study questions benefit of breastfeeding in preventing allergies, asthma
But according to a new study presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) Annual Scientific Meeting, no significant difference in allergies were found between children who were ever breast fed versus those who were …
Kids With Asthma: Avoid The ER By Avoiding The ERScience 2.0
New therapy attacks the source of asthma, treats the disease at cellular
Kids with asthma can avoid the ER by avoiding the EREurekAlert (press release)
MD Magazine
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Early exposure to dogs cuts down allergies, asthma risk – WGEM


Early exposure to dogs cuts down allergies, asthma risk
They found children exposed to dogs as a baby had a reduced risk of asthma as they got older. Doctor Jason Knuffman at Quincy Medical Group says its all part of the "hygiene hypothesis" centered around the dirt and dust dogs often carry inside of a
Children Exposed To Domestic Animals Have Lesser Risk Of Having Asthma, Study SaysFood World News
Decreased Asthma Risk In Children Raised With DogsHealth Aim
Dogs can help prevent asthma in
Derry Journal –SMN Weekly (blog) –International Business Times AU
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