Matt Johnson: ‘I’ve not been beaten by asthma – despite fighting breathing … – WalesOnline


Matt Johnson: 'I've not been beaten by asthma – despite fighting breathing
“When you think of people with asthma like me from daytime TV, world class athletes and someone like One Direction's Harry Styles , who was seen taking his pump at the side of the stage and then carrying on with a huge concert, then surely that's

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Beaten: Age, asthma, altitude – Calcutta Telegraph

Calcutta Telegraph

Beaten: Age, asthma, altitude
Calcutta Telegraph
Leh, Aug. 14: Imagine running a 222km ultra-marathon at average altitude exceeding 14000ft, where oxygen is low and traffic fumes linger long, becoming acutely irritating. Imagine you are an asthmatic — and 47 years old to boot — whose regular
Tamati praises crew after finishing

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