Tousman: State and local asthma coalitions endorse new carbon standards from … – Roanoke Times

Roanoke Times

Tousman: State and local asthma coalitions endorse new carbon standards from
Roanoke Times
For the public at large, ozone can irritate and inflame the respiratory system and lead to asthma attacks and hospitalizations, as well as shortness of breath, chest pain, inflammation of the lung lining, wheezing, coughing and even premature death
Asthma and chiropracticThe Daily Mail
National Influenza Week is Dec. 7-13York News-Times

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Improvements in health care use associated with community coalitions allies … –

Improvements in health care use associated with community coalitions allies
The need for costly health care services was reduced in six low-income communities that had participated in a special initiative to improve pediatric asthma control, led by faculty and staff at the Center for Managing Chronic Disease at the University

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