Grazax for Childhood Asthma Nuetralizes Pollen, Could Hinder Disease Progression – Lung Disease News

Lung Disease News

Grazax for Childhood Asthma Nuetralizes Pollen, Could Hinder Disease Progression
Lung Disease News
Study findings demonstrated that Grazax is effective for the treatment of asthma symptoms in kids. The medication also reduced grass and pollen allergy symptoms. Researchers measured direct reductions in immune system reactions in response to Grazax …

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Asthma Sufferers Could Breathe Easier Thanks To New Wearable – Med Device Online (press release)

Med Device Online (press release)

Asthma Sufferers Could Breathe Easier Thanks To New Wearable
Med Device Online (press release)
Scientists at North Carolina State University (NCSU) have developed a health and environmental tracker (HET), a wearable system that aims to predict and potentially prevent asthma attacks by tracking lung function, activity rates, environmental factors

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Health, environmental tracker could head off asthma attacks without drugs – FierceMedicalDevices (press release) (registration)


Health, environmental tracker could head off asthma attacks without drugs
FierceMedicalDevices (press release) (registration)
Currently, asthma treatment involves avoiding irritants and taking medication to relieve symptoms. Researchers at North Carolina State University have created a wearable system that more concretely monitors potential environmental irritants and could …
New Wearable Device Could Predict, Prevent Asthma AttacksNDTV
Wearable system, new devices aim to predict, prevent asthma attacksWRAL Tech Wire
NC State Scientists Develop Wearable System To Predict, Prevent Asthma AttacksLung Disease News

all 6 news articles »

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New therapy could reduce asthma sufferers’ lung inflammation – Western Daily Press

Western Daily Press

New therapy could reduce asthma sufferers' lung inflammation
Western Daily Press
Dr Adriana Lopes da Silva, of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, said: "We found a single dose of highly compacted DNA nanoparticle thymulin gene therapy effectively reduces the inflammatory and remodeling process in asthmatic lungs.

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