Study: Latinos Face Major Health Risks from Delays of EPA Air Pollution Rules – MarketWatch (press release)

Study: Latinos Face Major Health Risks from Delays of EPA Air Pollution Rules
MarketWatch (press release)
As of 2008, 4.7 million Hispanics had been diagnosed with asthma. In their lifetime, Latinos are three times more likely to die from asthma than other racial or ethnic groups. Exposure to air pollution can aggravate preexisting health problems
Study to Show Half of Hispanic Americans are at Risk From Breathing Unhealthy (press release)

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Atrazine causes prostate inflammation in male rats and delays puberty

A new study shows that male rats prenatally exposed to low doses of atrazine, a widely used herbicide, are more likely to develop prostate inflammation and to go through puberty later than non-exposed animals. The research adds to a growing body of literature on atrazine, an herbicide predominantly used to control weeds and grasses in crops such as corn and sugar cane. Atrazine and its byproducts are known to be relatively persistent in the environment, potentially finding their way into water supplies.

View full post on National Institutes of Health (NIH) News Releases