Guest commentary: Deny brownfield request for Detroit incinerator – Detroit Free Press

Guest commentary: Deny brownfield request for Detroit incinerator
Detroit Free Press
Considering that asthma is a leading cause of missed schooldays, missed workdays and preventable emergency room visits for the uninsured, supporting a facility that compounds the suffering in a city with three times the national rate of child asthma is
No brainer: If the state cares about Detroit's economic future, it will reject

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Cold and Flu Season Dangerous for Kids with Asthma – MyFox Detroit

Cold and Flu Season Dangerous for Kids with Asthma
MyFox Detroit
(WJBK) – Cold and flu season is here, and that could spell trouble for kids with asthma. Health experts say this is the most dangerous time of year for children with the condition because fall bring increased exposure to germs, allergens,
Nationwide Children's Hospital Reminds Parents of Asthmatic Children to be Newswise (press release)

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Allergy sufferers living a summer of misery – The Detroit News


Allergy sufferers living a summer of misery
The Detroit News
The 35-year-old military vehicle designer has a host of allergies — to molds, grasses, pollen — as well as asthma. So he gets allergy shots every few weeks and wears a plastic mask when mowing his tree-lined yard. Metro Detroit's summer of
Recommended: Q&A: Cats and cat allergies on a
Atchoo! How to battle dust-mite allergiesMarketWatch

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HUD grant to help fund Detroit safe homes project – Chicago Tribune

MyFox Detroit

HUD grant to help fund Detroit safe homes project
Chicago Tribune
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development grant is to be used by the city to eliminate home health hazards such as lead and asthma triggers. More than $1.3 million in in-kind resources and services from CLEARCorps/Detroit's partners will be
Detroit Gets Money to Make Homes SaferMyFox Detroit
Major HUD grant galvanizes Detroit's efforts to make homes safer and healthier CisionWire (press release)

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