Advance in the Diagnosis and Control of Childhood Asthma – Science Daily (press release)

Advance in the Diagnosis and Control of Childhood Asthma
Science Daily (press release)
Oct. 7, 2013 — A researcher at the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country has produced a PhD thesis at the Paediatric Pneumology section of the Hospital Universitario Donostia in San Sebastian; it deals with the link between asthma and exhaled

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Two Tests in Combination Can Provide Better Asthma Diagnosis – Science Daily (press release)

Two Tests in Combination Can Provide Better Asthma Diagnosis
Science Daily (press release)
Sep. 24, 2013 — It was previously thought that the two test methods signalled the same type of asthma. But a new study, led by researchers at Uppsala University, Sweden, shows that the methods actually signal two different inflammatory processes. With

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High prevalence of diagnosis of diabetes, depression, anxiety, hypertension … – 7thSpace Interactive (press release)

High prevalence of diagnosis of diabetes, depression, anxiety, hypertension
7thSpace Interactive (press release)
High prevalence of diagnosis of diabetes, depression, anxiety, hypertension, asthma and COPD in the total population of Stockholm, Sweden — a challenge for public health. There is limited knowledge on the prevalence of disease in total populations.

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