HEALTH WARNING for elderly and asthma sufferers as high levels of AIR … –

HEALTH WARNING for elderly and asthma sufferers as high levels of AIR
Asthma sufferers, people with heart problems and older people are being advised to "reduce physical exertion", particularly while outdoors. Dr Sotiris Vardoulakis, head of the air pollution and climate change group at Public Health England's Centre for …
Asthma warning as Saharan dust 'blood rain' hits BritainThis is Local London
Toxic smog warning for asthma sufferers, and those with lung and heart Northampton Herald and Post
Very high air pollution levels prompt health warnings in parts of EnglandMashable
Daily Mail
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The KILLER SMOG is BACK: Toxic pollution cloud from Europe to smother … –

The KILLER SMOG is BACK: Toxic pollution cloud from Europe to smother
People with asthma may also find they need to use their reliever inhaler more often. Older people should also reduce physical exertion. Anyone experiencing discomfort such as sore eyes, cough or sore throat should consider reducing activity
Bad air day sparks alert over asthmaThe Times (subscription)
Toxic smog hits UK: Air pollution health alert is set trigger asthma attacks
Fatal asthma attack fears as Britain is placed on smog alertWestern Morning News
Herald Scotland –
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Could your hay fever cause an asthma attack? –

Could your hay fever cause an asthma attack?
Asthma and hay fever are closely related. Studies show that up to 80 per cent of those with asthma also have hay fever. Study authors warn that GPs are failing to treat both conditions together and sufferers tend to “self treat” for years, spending
Link between respiratory allergies and asthma all too often missedOnMedica

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Hay fever sufferers more likely to get asthma attacks, warn experts –

Hay fever sufferers more likely to get asthma attacks, warn experts
Asthma and hay fever are closely related. Studies show that up to 80 per cent of those with asthma also have hay fever. Study authors warn that GPs are failing to treat both conditions together and sufferers tend to “self treat” for years, spending
Link between respiratory allergies and asthma all too often missedOnMedica

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Girl dies after asthma attack as paramedics sent to wrong address –

Girl dies after asthma attack as paramedics sent to wrong address
Although an ambulance was called at 7.44pm it was mistakenly sent to RAF Wyton, 10 miles away, and did not arrive until 8.03pm. Elouise had suffered from asthma since she was 18 months old and Karen, 33, rushed to be by her daughter's side after she
Mother recalls asthma death 'chaos'Belfast Telegraph
Mother of teenage girl who died of asthma attack after ambulance was sent to Daily Mail
Asthma death teenager Elouise Keeling screamed “I'm dying” three times – as Cambridge News
BBC News
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Life-changing jab gives hope to asthma sufferers –

Life-changing jab gives hope to asthma sufferers
Xolair, which has been approved for use in adults and people over the age of 12 since 2007, has been shown to halve the number of sufferers taken to hospital with potentially life-threatening asthma attacks and dramatically improve quality of life for
NICE U-turn on Novartis' Xolair for asthmaPharmaTimes
Asthma treatment – double
U-turn As Asthma Drug Gets Go-aheadThe Daily Telegraph
PMLiVE –The Pharma Letter
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