Pentoxifylline and its active metabolite lisofylline attenuate transforming growth factor ?1-induced asthmatic bronchial fibroblast-to-myofibroblast transition.

Pentoxifylline and its active metabolite lisofylline attenuate transforming growth factor ?1-induced asthmatic bronchial fibroblast-to-myofibroblast transition.

Acta Biochim Pol. 2016 Jul 30;

Authors: Wójcik-Pszczo?a K, Hi?cza K, Wnuk D, K?dzio?ka D, Koczurkiewicz P, Sanak M, Madeja Z, P?kala E, Michalik M

Bronchial asthma is characterized by persistent airway inflammation and airway wall remodeling. Among many different cells and growth factors triggering changes in bronchi structure, transforming growth factor ?1-induced fibroblast to myofibroblast transition is believed to be very important. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether theophylline (used in asthma therapy) and two other methylxanthines (pentoxifylline and its active metabolite lisofylline), may affect transforming growth factor ?1-induced fibroblast to myofibroblast transition in bronchial fibroblasts derived from asthmatic patients. We show here for the first time that selected methylxanthines effectively reduce transforming growth factor ?1-induced myofibroblast formation in asthmatic bronchial fibroblast populations. PTX was found to be the most effective methylxanthine. The number of differentiated myofibroblasts after PTX, LSF and THEO administration was reduced at least twofold. Studies on the use of methylxanthines opens a new perspective in the development of novel strategies in asthma therapy through their two-pronged, anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic action. In the future they can be considered as promising anti-fibrotic drugs.

PMID: 27474406 [PubMed – as supplied by publisher]

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Prolonged mounted patrolling is a risk factor for developing knee pain in Danish military personnel deployed to the Helmand Province.

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Prolonged mounted patrolling is a risk factor for developing knee pain in Danish military personnel deployed to the Helmand Province.

J R Army Med Corps. 2015 Oct 16;

Authors: Lundin CR, Houe T, Sevelsted A, Nissen L

INTRODUCTION: Non-battle injuries have been the leading cause of medical evacuation in the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. This study investigates the hypothesis, that the occurrence of knee problems could be associated with mounted patrolling in armoured vehicles independent of other risk factors.
METHOD: Retrospective questionnaire-based cohort study of Danish soldiers deployed to Afghanistan during 1 February-31 July 2013.
RESULTS: 307 soldiers included. Response rate 70%. 33% reported knee pain. Main finding: Significant association between knee pain and time spent weekly on mounted patrols (OR 1.23, CI 1.07 to 1.41, p=0.003). Controlled for confounders age, body mass index and duration of military employment (OR 1.22, CI 1.06 to 1.41, p=0.006). Adjusted for confounders and all other risk factors (OR 1.25, CI 1.07 to 1.48, p=0.007). The main finding in a subset of the 33% with knee pain: Significant association between more severe knee problems with Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score below 400 and time spent weekly on mounted patrols (OR 1.49, CI 1.17 to 1.56, p=0.002).
CONCLUSIONS: A major concern regarding knee problems among Danish deployed military personnel is identified. The risk of suffering from knee problems and the severity of symptoms increase with the amount of time spent inside a vehicle on mounted patrols.

PMID: 26475797 [PubMed – as supplied by publisher]

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