FACT CHECK: GOP senator gasps for facts on asthma – The Associated Press

The Associated Press

FACT CHECK: GOP senator gasps for facts on asthma
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — It was a startling claim: Air pollution has no connection to asthma, Kentucky GOP Sen. Rand Paul said on the Senate floor. But Paul, and a chart he used to make his case against the health benefits of a new federal air pollution rule
FACT CHECK: GOP senator gasps for facts on asthmaSeattle Post Intelligencer

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Asthma Facts – First Ever Detailed Analysis Of Asthma Incidence Reported – Star Global Tribune

Asthma Facts – First Ever Detailed Analysis Of Asthma Incidence Reported
Star Global Tribune
New Analysis Shows Over $50 Billion in Asthma Costs, Tens of Millions of Cases, Including 7 Million Children; Data Provided For All 50 States, With Focus on IL, MA, ME, MI, MN, MT, NH, OH, PA and WI. In a major first-ever report analyzing detailed

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Important Asthma Facts – 2.4 million asthma patients in Korea

The Korea Times is reporting that people with asthma are quite vulnerable to cold weather, allergies and dust. In low temperatures and dusty environments asthma suffers cough more often and breathing problems.

According to the definition provided by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound made when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing. The coughing often occurs at night or early in the morning.

As of the latest report in 2007, there are more than 2.4 million asthma patients in Korea.

If you have been kept awake during the night because of excessive coughing or shortness of breath; or have always felt short of breath after exercise; suffered from colds or flu for more than three weeks; have had breathing problems after taking cough drops or hypertension pills or have eczema, you should consult your doctor because you might have asthma.

Dr. Shin Jong-wook of Chung-Ang University Hospital says people with incorrect information about the disease may make symptoms worse. He mentioned several misconceptions people have about asthma.

1. Jogging and hiking are good for asthma: Wrong

Asthma patients with breathing difficulties are mistaken when they believe that running, cycling or hiking will help their lung capacity.

Actually, early morning exercise could worsen their symptoms. The cold air gets into the lungs and stimulates the respiratory organs.

It is much better to take a walk or stretch. Avoid going to “dry” areas.

Swimming is recommended. Immersed in water and moisture, this exercise is much safer. Although right after swimming your body temperature falls, so take precautions as not to worsen your symptoms.

2. Smoking is bad but drinking is okay: Wrong

Nowadays everyone knows that drinking is not good for your health. However, many asthmatics underestimate the high risks of drinking alcohol, which contains sulfites that causes bronchial tubes to shrink.

Sulfites can also be found in dried fruits, juice, beer, potatoes and shrimp.

3. Only children suffer from asthma: wrong

It is true that asthma is more commonly detected among children and teenagers. But according to a report by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the prevalence rate among people over 50 years old is now higher than average: the overall prevalence rate is 3 percent. It seems that the disease first appears in childhood then gets better but relapses in adulthood.

Therefore, those who had asthma in the past should always check their condition. Elderly people should take extra care because asthma could lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

4. Refrain from using drugs with steroids: wrong

Doctors prescribe drugs that contain steroids to expand the shrunken bronchial tubes and fix possible inflammation. However, steroids are known for their negative side effects such as hypertension, weight gain, osteoporosis and stomach ulcers among others, which deter many patients from taking them.

However, commonly prescribed steroids in artificial inhalers are only used for the bronchial tubes and one does not have to worry too much about the side effects.

5. Asthma is a serious condition: correct

The general public may disregard the seriousness of asthma but it is in fact a deadly disease. Experts grade it into four stages and the fourth level can cause death. Those who are diagnosed with asthma shouldn’t be overly concerned, but at the same time should remain alert to their sensitive condition.

NIDA and Federal Partners to Launch National Drug Facts Week

Expanding on the success of its online Drug Facts Chat Day, the National
Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) today announced it is launching National Drug
Facts Week, a new national awareness week designed to bring together teens
and scientific experts to discuss the facts about drug abuse. NIDA is a component
of the National Institutes of Health in the U.S. Department of Health and Human

View full post on National Institutes of Health (NIH) News Releases