Aerocrine: South Carolina Adopts Positive Coverage of Aerocrine’s FeNo Testing … – Business Wire (press release)

Aerocrine: South Carolina Adopts Positive Coverage of Aerocrine's FeNo Testing
Business Wire (press release)
“FeNO testing is a significant advancement in managing the patient with asthma. Since the publication of the American Thoracic Guideline on FeNO, this test should be standard of care in every clinic managing asthma patients.
South Carolina adopts positive coverage of Aerocrine's FeNO testing in CisionWire (press release)

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South Carolina adopts positive coverage of Aerocrine’s FeNO testing in … – CisionWire (press release)

South Carolina adopts positive coverage of Aerocrine's FeNO testing in
CisionWire (press release)
Physicians use FeNO to assess eosinophilic airway inflammation, the primary underlying abnormality that affects the airways of individuals who have asthma. NIOX MINO is the only product of its kind currently on the market for assessing FeNO.

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Mississippi’s Medicaid program adds coverage for Aerocrine’s FeNO testing in … – EON: Enhanced Online News (press release)

Mississippi's Medicaid program adds coverage for Aerocrine's FeNO testing in
EON: Enhanced Online News (press release)
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways that affects more than 300 million people worldwide, many of whom are children. FeNO is a marker of the underlying airway inflammation associated with asthma, and Aerocrine has developed a method

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Mississippi’s Medicaid program adds coverage for Aerocrine’s FeNO testing in … – MarketWatch (press release)

Mississippi's Medicaid program adds coverage for Aerocrine's FeNO testing in
MarketWatch (press release)
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways that affects more than 300 million people worldwide, many of whom are children. FeNO is a marker of the underlying airway inflammation associated with asthma, and Aerocrine has developed a method

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