Lower Air Pollution Levels Linked To Fewer Asthma Symptoms, Respiratory Problems In Children – Medical Daily

Medical Daily

Lower Air Pollution Levels Linked To Fewer Asthma Symptoms, Respiratory Problems In Children
Medical Daily
The authors found a 47 percent reduction in ambient air pollution during that period was associated with a 32 percent decline in bronchitis symptoms among 10-year-olds with asthma. Children without asthma reaped benefits too: They were also 21 percent …

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Here’s why farm kids have fewer allergies and less asthma – The Verge

Science /AAAS

Here's why farm kids have fewer allergies and less asthma
The Verge
And about 6.8 million American children currently have asthma. But studies show that these conditions aren't distributed uniformly among all children. Children raised on farms — most notably dairy farms — have lower rates of allergies and asthma
Dirty farm air may ward off asthma in childrenScience /AAAS
Public Release: 3-Sep-2015 Growing up on a farm provides protection against EurekAlert (press release)
Key enzyme helps country kids ward off allergies and asthmaNew Scientist
Expatica Belguim –GlobalPost
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Port pollution cleanup partially credited with fewer child asthma-related … – The Daily Breeze

Port pollution cleanup partially credited with fewer child asthma-related
The Daily Breeze
Coexisting with refineries, freeways and the congested, behemoth twin port complex, the South Bay and Harbor Area are home to a relatively high number of asthma sufferers. “We have a lot more than other areas even though we live near the beach and the …

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Study: Asthma Intervention Can Lead To Fewer School Absences – Hartford Courant

Study: Asthma Intervention Can Lead To Fewer School Absences
Hartford Courant
HARTFORD — Greater communication between school nurses and families on how to manage asthma could help reduce the number of school absences for children afflicted with the chronic disease, according to preliminary data from an ongoing study in …
New school-based program helps reduce absentee rate for urban minority Medical Xpress

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Malaria Drug, Artesunate, Brings Asthma Sufferers Breathing Relief With Fewer … – Medical Daily

Medical Daily

Malaria Drug, Artesunate, Brings Asthma Sufferers Breathing Relief With Fewer
Medical Daily
Allergic asthma is one of the most common asthmas, affecting over 50 percent of the 20 million Americans who suffer from asthma, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. It's triggered by typical allergens like dust, pollen, pet

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Cleaner air contributes to fewer asthma, emphysema deaths – CBC.ca

Medical Xpress

Cleaner air contributes to fewer asthma, emphysema deaths
Air pollution controls help to save lives, a U.S. study suggests, as death rates from emphysema, asthma and pneumonia fell dramatically as air quality improved.. Most research has focused on a specific air pollutant or a couple of pollutants over short
Air pollution controls linked to lower death rates in North CarolinaMedical Xpress

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