Critics: DC shelter near bus garage would expose kids to bad air – Washington Post

Washington Post

Critics: DC shelter near bus garage would expose kids to bad air
Washington Post
Washington is a city that wheezes. It has one of the highest rates of asthma in the country. Those who suffer from the disease cluster in the city's poorest communities, where asthmatic children are 10 times more likely to visit the emergency room than
Better air means healthier childrenKnoxville News Sentinel
Washington: Announcement of shelter for homeless families within District's largest bus garage alarms advocatesNH Voice
Connecticut counties all at risk for high ozone levels, report saysNew Haven Register
Hamilton Journal News –LancasterOnline
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In a city with so much childhood asthma, why are officials planning to house homeless kids next to a bus garage? – Washington Post

Washington Post

In a city with so much childhood asthma, why are officials planning to house homeless kids next to a bus garage?
Washington Post
Washington is a city that wheezes. It has one of the highest rates of asthma in the country. Those who suffer from the disease cluster in the city's poorest communities, where asthmatic children are 10 times more likely to visit the emergency room than
Lancaster County has some of the worst soot pollution in the United States.LancasterOnline
Butler County air quality: Not the worst, but not great eitherHamilton Journal News
New air quality report card gives snapshot of Michigan citiesMichigan Radio
Huron Daily Tribune –The Daily Tar Heel –Energy Manager Today
all 60 news articles »

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