Work-Related Asthma a Significant Problem: CDC – Philadelphia Inquirer


Work-Related Asthma a Significant Problem: CDC
Philadelphia Inquirer
THURSDAY, May 24 (HealthDay News) — About nine percent of all asthma cases in the United States are caused or made worse by work-related exposures, a new federal study says. That means work-related asthma affects about 1.4 million adults annually,
9 percent of adults say asthma is work
Tips from Former Smokers Share Harsh RealitiesSurfKY News

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A healthy partnership when traditional medicine can’t do it all – Philadelphia Inquirer

A healthy partnership when traditional medicine can't do it all
Philadelphia Inquirer
Our clinic recently saw a mother whose 5-year-old daughter has severe, persistent asthma. The mother reported that the mold and unrepaired cracks in her drafty apartment windows were making it very difficult to keep the daughter's asthma under control.

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Lacy, Bulldogs star at cross-country sectionals | Philadelphia Inquirer | 2011 … – Philadelphia Inquirer

Lacy, Bulldogs star at cross-country sectionals | Philadelphia Inquirer | 2011
Philadelphia Inquirer
"I started out a little more conservatively," said Lacy, who must take her case of asthma into consideration when competing. "Last year, I hammered it for the first mile and then I was just holding on. So I wanted to change strategy this time.
Lenape girls take care of first

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Personal Health: News and Notes | Philadelphia Inquirer | 2011-09-12 – Philadelphia Inquirer

Personal Health: News and Notes | Philadelphia Inquirer | 2011-09-12
Philadelphia Inquirer
Sandy Bauers Asthma is not fun. Neither are cavities. A new study suggests that having the first appears to predispose you to the second. Cavities in baby teeth were twice as common in children with asthma as in other kids, according to the analysis of

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Christie released from hospital after asthma attack | Philadelphia Inquirer … – Philadelphia Inquirer

Christie released from hospital after asthma attack | Philadelphia Inquirer
Philadelphia Inquirer
Christie was hospitalized for eight hours Thursday after an asthma attack on the way to a bill-signing and news conference. Christie, 48, who said he felt better, but tired, after being released from Somerset Medical Center in central New Jersey,

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