Foetus size, growth linked to childhood asthma – Times of India

Foetus size, growth linked to childhood asthma
Times of India
Researchers at the University of Aberdeen have identified a correlation between the size and growth of a baby in the womb and the likelihood of the child going on to develop childhood asthma. They also found links between the rate an unborn baby grows
Childhood asthma linked to small foetus sizeNursing Times
Foetal growth linked to asthmaNursing in Practice

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Foetus size and growth linked to childhood asthma, allergies –

Foetus size and growth linked to childhood asthma, allergies
London, June 29: Researchers at the University of Aberdeen have identified a correlation between the size and growth of a baby in the womb and the likelihood of the child going on to develop childhood asthma.They also found links between the rate an
Childhood asthma linked to small foetus sizeNursing Times
Foetal growth linked to asthmaNursing in Practice

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Air pollution linked to poorly controlled asthma – Nursing Times

World First Travel Insurance

Air pollution linked to poorly controlled asthma
Nursing Times
People with asthma who have been exposed to air pollution for a long time are less likely to be able to control their condition, research has found. A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health looked at 480 asthmatics in
Years of Air Pollution May Be Tied to Uncontrolled AsthmaU.S. News & World Report
Pollution 'impacts asthma control'World First Travel Insurance
Take action this summer to reduce exposure to asthma triggersU.S. (press release)
Centre Daily Times –Medical News Today –eMaxHealth
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Uncontrolled Asthma Linked to Long-Term Air Pollution Exposure – eMaxHealth

Uncontrolled Asthma Linked to Long-Term Air Pollution Exposure
Air pollution can make respiratory symptoms, like those associated with asthma, much worse, but is the reverse true as well? Yes, according to a new study, which suggests long-term exposure to air pollution can make it more difficult to control asthma.
Uncontrolled Asthma Linked to Air Pollution ExposureMedical News Today
Long-term pollution link to asthmaKuwait News Agency
Pollution link to uncontrolled asthmaIrish Health
Nursing in Practice –KBOI
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Mold, cockroaches linked to asthma and allergies – Mother Nature Network (blog)

Times LIVE

Mold, cockroaches linked to asthma and allergies
Mother Nature Network (blog)
Environmental pollution has often been linked to allergies and asthma, but two new studies were published last week that shed new light on why kids in one house develop the conditions while kids exposed to similar pollution levels in the house next
Cockroaches may be asthma culprit for city childrenReuters
Cockroaches may be asthma culpritNews24
Cockroach May Be Culprit In Urban Kids' AsthmaRedOrbit

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