Gluten linked to asthma in study – MyFox Tampa Bay

Fox News

Gluten linked to asthma in study
MyFox Tampa Bay
As the number of children diagnosed with asthma continue to rise, many point to environmental factors like pollen and pollution. But now new research is saying, for some, the problem may be less about what we breathe and more about what we eat.
Asthma linked to celiac diseaseReuters
Study links celiac disease to
People With Celiac Disease at Increased Risk for AsthmaAOL Health

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Study: Climate change linked to longer pollen season – USA Today

Study: Climate change linked to longer pollen season
USA Today
"If these warming trends continue (as they're projected to) under a changing climate, the health of people with severe allergies or asthma could really suffer." At least 10% of the US population is sensitive in the summer and fall to ragweed,
Climate Change Extending Ragweed Season in Colder Climes: StudyBusinessWeek
Climate change extending ragweed season, hay fever misery, study findsLos Angeles Times
Trouble In The Air: Warmer Temperatures Lengthen Midwest Ragweed Pollen SeasonNatural Resources Defense Council (blog)
Reuters Africa –Scientific American –AFP
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Asthma Linked To Species of Bacteria: Study – TopNews United States


Asthma Linked To Species of Bacteria: Study
TopNews United States
A new study has found that asthma may have a surprising link with the composition of the species of bacteria that inhabit bronchial airways. This finding could help the researchers in discovering a new treatment or even potential cures for the common
Asthma linked to bacterial communitiesTimes of India
Asthma may be linked to bacterial colonies in our airwaysMilwaukee Journal Sentinel (blog)

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Asthma may be linked to bacterial colonies in our airways – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (blog)

Asthma may be linked to bacterial colonies in our airways
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (blog)
"People thought that asthma was caused by inhalation of allergens but this study shows that it may be more complicated than that," said Homer Boushey, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco and one of the authors of a
Asthma linked to bacterial communitiesTimes of India

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