Study: Persistent asthma in childhood has long-term effects – St. Louis Public Radio

St. Louis Public Radio

Study: Persistent asthma in childhood has long-term effects
St. Louis Public Radio
The late Robert C. Strunk, MD, (right) discusses results of a decades-long pediatric asthma study that involved Janae Smith, (middle) a patient and study participant, and Denise Rodgers, (left) who retired this year as a clinical research coordinator.

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Children with rhinovirus-positive bronchiolitis more likely to use long-term … – Healio

Children with rhinovirus-positive bronchiolitis more likely to use long-term
Pediatric patients with rhinovirus-positive bronchiolitis were more likely to use asthma controller medication 12 months after hospitalization compared with patients with respiratory syncytial virus, according to data from a prospective follow-up study

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Long-term ICS use in children with asthma slightly impacts annual growth velocity – Healio

Long-term ICS use in children with asthma slightly impacts annual growth velocity
Using inhaled corticosteroids for more than 12 months in children with asthma appeared to minimally reduce growth velocity and final adult height, according to study results. “Inhaled corticosteroids do not cause much loss of height in children, and

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Socioeconomic Status Ultimately Influences The Long-Term Effects of Childhood … – Science World Report

Science World Report

Socioeconomic Status Ultimately Influences The Long-Term Effects of Childhood
Science World Report
"As with all chronic illnesses, there is a biological mechanism behind asthma, but asthmatic children's prognoses depend heavily on parental management, and successful management often relies on social circumstances," said Jen-Hao Chen, an assistant …

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Long-term effects of childhood asthma influenced by socioeconomic status – Medical Xpress

Medical Xpress

Long-term effects of childhood asthma influenced by socioeconomic status
Medical Xpress
"As with all chronic illnesses, there is a biological mechanism behind asthma, but asthmatic children's prognoses depend heavily on parental management, and successful management often relies on social circumstances," said Jen-Hao Chen, an assistant …

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Long-Term Safety Study of Fluticasone Propionate (Fp) Multidose Dry Powder Inhaler (MDPI) and Fluticasone Propionate/Salmeterol (FS) MDPI in Patients With Persistent Asthma

Condition:   Persistent Asthma
Interventions:   Drug: Fluticasone propionate Multidose Dry Powder Inhaler (Fp MDPI);   Drug: Fluticasone propionate /salmeterol MDPI (FS MDPI);   Drug: Fluticasone propionate HFA Inhalation Aerosol;   Drug: Fluticasone propionate/salmeterol dry powder formulation
Sponsors:   Teva Pharmaceutical Industries;   Teva Branded Pharmaceutical Products, R&D Inc.
Recruiting – verified June 2014

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