Job loss worries may increase first-time asthma risk – Medical News Today

Medical News Today

Job loss worries may increase first-time asthma risk
Medical News Today
According to the World Health Organization, around 235 million people worldwide have asthma, a major noncommunicable disease whose symptoms include breathlessness and wheezing, and which vary in severity and frequency from person to person.
Job Worries Can Raise Asthma Risk, Study SaysWebMD
Study Ties Fear of Job Loss to Higher Asthma RiskScience World Report
Stress at work increases risk of developing asthma, according to major new The Independent
TIME –Tech Times –Daily Digest
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Worrying about job loss may increase first-time asthma risk – Medical News Today

Medical News Today

Worrying about job loss may increase first-time asthma risk
Medical News Today
According to the World Health Organization, around 235 million people worldwide have asthma, a major noncommunicable disease whose symptoms include breathlessness and wheezing, and which vary in severity and frequency from person to person.
Study: Fear of Job Loss Can Increase Asthma RiskTIME
Job Worries Can Raise Asthma Risk, Study SaysWebMD
Study Ties Fear of Job Loss to Higher Asthma RiskScience World Report
The Independent –Tech Times
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Concern over job loss linked to first asthma attacks – helpmeoutDOC News – A consistent flow of medical news

helpmeoutDOC News – A consistent flow of medical news

Concern over job loss linked to first asthma attacks
helpmeoutDOC News – A consistent flow of medical news
New study shows stress caused by possible job loss may increase the risk of asthma. Scientists have come to this conclusion after conducting a survey on over 7,000 German working adults. Research was made during 2009-2011 economic depression which …

View full post on asthma – Google News

Job loss fears may boost first-time asthma risk – Medical Xpress

Job loss fears may boost first-time asthma risk
Medical Xpress
Job loss fears may boost the risk of developing asthma for the first time, indicates research published online in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. The findings back up other epidemiological studies pointing to a link between the
Work Stress Could Trigger Adult AsthmaCounsel & Heal

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Asthma Linked to Bone Loss in Study – WebMD

Asthma Linked to Bone Loss in Study
"We know prolonged use of corticosteroids in the treatment of asthma is a risk factor of osteoporosis, but we haven't had definite data showing the relationship between asthma itself and bone loss," study author Dr. Jae-Woo Jung said in a news release
Deception in Allergy Care: Minorities and Underserved Denied Safe, Effective PR Web (press release)
National Climate Assessment: Bad News for 50M AmericansNewswise (press release)

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