Calcium-sensing receptor antagonists abrogate airway hyperresponsiveness … – Science Magazine

Calcium-sensing receptor antagonists abrogate airway hyperresponsiveness
Science Magazine
Calcium-sensing receptor antagonists abrogate airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation in allergic asthma. Polina L. Yarova,*,; Alecia L. Stewart,*,; Venkatachalem Sathish,*,; Rodney D. Britt Jr.,*,; Michael A. Thompson,; Alexander P. P. Lowe, …

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Millions have work-related asthma, CDC says – Safety+Health magazine

Millions have work-related asthma, CDC says
Safety+Health magazine
Atlanta – More than 15 percent of asthma cases among employed adults are work-related, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In its report, CDC analyzed data from phone surveys in 22 states. An estimated 12 million …
CDC report says work-related asthma increased from 2009 to 2012Healio

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Obama Claims Asthma Sufferers Need Global Warming Regs, That Hurt Asthma … – FrontPage Magazine

Obama Claims Asthma Sufferers Need Global Warming Regs, That Hurt Asthma
FrontPage Magazine
I'm not sure what the difference between Global Warming and witches is anymore. You can blame anything on both and both were considered the science of the day. These days shouting Global Warming is as much empty nonsense as shouting, “A witch did …

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Workers avoid talking to doctors about job-related asthma, NIOSH says – Safety+Health magazine

Workers avoid talking to doctors about job-related asthma, NIOSH says
Safety+Health magazine
Morgantown, WV – Few workers who have asthma talk with their doctor about how their job may affect the condition, a recent NIOSH study suggests. NIOSH researchers analyzed data from more than 50,000 working adults who have asthma. They found that …

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Novel approach to treating asthma – R & D Magazine

Laboratory Equipment

Novel approach to treating asthma
R & D Magazine
Current asthma treatments can alleviate wheezing, coughing and other symptoms felt by millions of Americans every year, but they don't get to the root cause of the condition. Now, for the first time, scientists are reporting a new approach to defeating
Neutralizing Trigger Can Fight AsthmaLaboratory Equipment

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Study finds link between BPA and asthma – The Week Magazine

The Week Magazine

Study finds link between BPA and asthma
The Week Magazine
BPA, a.k.a. the chemical Bisphenol A that's commonly found in plastics and may be linked to cancer, could also be linked to asthma. A new study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics found that prenatal exposure to BPA could lower children's lung …
The Link Between Asthma and This ChemicalTIME
Can pregnant moms pass asthma along to their babies through plastic?KOMO News
Asthma Linked To BPA: Kids' Poor Lung Health May Be Due To Parental Medical Daily
WNYT –Reuters –WebMD
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