Infants living in ‘moldy’ homes 3 times likelier to develop asthma by age 7 – Newstrack India

Infants living in 'moldy' homes 3 times likelier to develop asthma by age 7
Newstrack India
Washington, July 3 (ANI): Results of a new study have suggested that infants who live in "moldy" homes are three times more likely to develop asthma by age 7-an age that children can be accurately diagnosed with the condition.
The Importance of Early Detection, Prevention of Mold ExposureAssociated Content

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61 International Studies Link Moldy Homes to Asthma & Allergies – Environmental Expert (press release)

61 International Studies Link Moldy Homes to Asthma & Allergies
Environmental Expert (press release)
Cinnaminson, NJ, June 13th, 2011Last week, Reuters Health reported on the link between homes with visible mold and children's asthma and allergies. The article, “Moldy home tied to kids' asthma, allergies” reported that “Researchers found that across

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