Can Vitamin D Supplementation Help Cut Colds in Asthma? – Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)

Can Vitamin D Supplementation Help Cut Colds in Asthma?
Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)
(HealthDay News) — Vitamin D supplementation does not reduce cold severity or frequency among adults with mild-to-moderate asthma, according to a study published online Nov. 5 in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

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Substantial Increase in Costs for Uncontrolled Asthma – Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)

Substantial Increase in Costs for Uncontrolled Asthma
Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)
(HealthDay News) — A considerable proportion of patients with mild to moderate asthma are symptomatically uncontrolled, and uncontrolled asthma is associated with significantly increased costs, according to a study published online Nov. 3 in Allergy.

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Asthma Med Step Down Can Be Safe, Cost-Effective – Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)

Food World News

Asthma Med Step Down Can Be Safe, Cost-Effective
Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)
According to a study in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, stepping down asthma medications can be done safely and at less cost. In order to better understand the risks related to the right time in stepping down daily asthma therapy
Should 4-month-old Babies Eat Solid?Food World News

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Asthma Linked to Increased Risk of Parkinson’s Disease – Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)

Asthma Linked to Increased Risk of Parkinson's Disease
Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)
Chih-Ming Cheng, MD, from the Taipei Veterans General Hospital in Taiwan, and colleagues examined the temporal association between asthma and Parkinson's disease. A cohort of 10,455 patients (age ?45 years) who were diagnosed with asthma …

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Non-Adherence to Asthma Tx a Growing Problem – Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)

Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)

Non-Adherence to Asthma Tx a Growing Problem
Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)
An analysis published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics of asthma medication adherence showed poor coverage across a six-month period. Researchers from the University of Utah and colleagues conducted a study to assess the level of …

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When Cortricosteroid Use Can Be Life-Threatening for an Asthma Patient – Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)

Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)

When Cortricosteroid Use Can Be Life-Threatening for an Asthma Patient
Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)
Clinicians should exercise caution when prescribing steroids in patients presenting with an exacerbation of asthma in areas endemic for Strongyloides stercoralis (SS), as a patient experienced hyperinfection syndrome from prednisone treatment at the

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Prenatal Exposure to Acid Reducers: Small But Significant Asthma Risk – Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)

Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)

Prenatal Exposure to Acid Reducers: Small But Significant Asthma Risk
Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)
(HealthDay News) — Prenatal exposure to H2 blockers (H2Bs) or proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) is associated with a small but significantly increased risk of asthma in offspring, according to a study published online June 20 in the Journal of Clinical …

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LAMA LABA Uncontrolled Asthma ICS – Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)

Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)

LAMA LABA Uncontrolled Asthma ICS
Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)
Long-acting muscarinic antagonists (LAMA) have been shown to reduce exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and are now being considered for patients with uncontrolled asthma as add-on treatment. A review in the Cochrane …

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Once Asthma is Under Control, Should LABA Tx Be Stopped? – Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)

Once Asthma is Under Control, Should LABA Tx Be Stopped?
Monthly Prescribing Reference (registration)
Long-acting beta2-agonists (LABA) are often prescribed to adults with asthma not well controlled by inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) treatment but may carry an increased risk of serious adverse events and mortality. An article in the Cochrane Library

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