Public Release: 3-Mar-2015 Pregnant women with asthma need to curb urge to … – EurekAlert (press release)

Public Release: 3-Mar-2015 Pregnant women with asthma need to curb urge to
EurekAlert (press release)
The study, published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, the scientific publication of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), followed 298 mother-child pairs through the child's third year of life. The study found
Pregnant Women with Asthma Need to Curb Urge to ask for AntibioticsNewswise (press release)

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Pregnant Women with Asthma Need to Curb Urge to ask for Antibiotics – Newswise (press release)

Pregnant Women with Asthma Need to Curb Urge to ask for Antibiotics
Newswise (press release)
Newswise — ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. (March 3, 2015) – Getting sick when you're pregnant is especially difficult, but women whose children are at risk for developing asthma should avoid antibiotics, according to a new study. The study, published in the …

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Study Highlights Need For Greater Treatment Practice Standardization Of … – Lung Disease News

Lung Disease News

Study Highlights Need For Greater Treatment Practice Standardization Of
Lung Disease News
shutterstock_224584318 The heterogeneity of asthma, comprising a group of related disorders that can be caused or contributed to by a diverse range of factors, makes the disease challenging to study and treat. In addressing that issue, the Cincinnati …

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[Unmet need in asthma management and future treatment options].

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[Unmet need in asthma management and future treatment options].

Pneumologie. 2015 Jan;69(1):36-47

Authors: Gillissen A

Despite health initiatives and extensive guideline efforts for advancing the management of asthma, evidence from epidemiologic studies suggests, that many asthma patients still have uncontrolled disease. The percentage of the uncontrolled disease stage is highly prevalent and eventually succeeds the 50?% range depending on the disease severity. There is urgent need for improved care particularly in moderate as well as in severe asthma. Implementation of treatment plans, the focus on symptom control, better patient-caretaker communication and most importantly improvement of specific treatment options are the cornerstones for success. Tiotropium, the first long-term antimuscarinic compound, was approved for asthma treatment in 2014, new developed inhaled corticosteroids as well as ?2-mimetics and inhaler types will enhance the physician’s armamentarium to treat this disease better. Agents aimed at inhibiting cytokines, such as mepoluzimab, daclizumab, reslizumab and others hold to various degree promise in the treatment of asthma. Other agents under investigation include phosphodiesterase type 4 inhibitors and oligonucleotides. In summary, there is future promise for substantial therapeutic advances in moderate and severe persistent asthma.

PMID: 25599141 [PubMed – in process]

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September’s spike in asthma attacks: Colorado kids need back-to-school plan – The Denver Post (blog)

The Denver Post (blog)

September's spike in asthma attacks: Colorado kids need back-to-school plan
The Denver Post (blog)
Physicians don't know why for certain, said Dr. Monica Federico, pediatric lung specialist and director of Children's asthma program. They do think that many emergency or urgent cases could be avoided each year if asthma patients were more consistent
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Female Baby Boomers With Asthma May Need Better Medical Attention – Headlines & Global News

Headlines & Global News

Female Baby Boomers With Asthma May Need Better Medical Attention
Headlines & Global News
"Allergists want older women to understand that getting their asthma under control can help them control a range of other adverse health conditions," said allergist Alan Baptist, lead study author and ACAAI member, in a press statement. "Recent studies
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Female baby boomers with asthma? You may need helpScience Codex

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Female baby boomers with asthma? You may need help – Science Codex

Female baby boomers with asthma? You may need help
Science Codex
"Allergists want older women to understand that getting their asthma under control can help them control a range of other adverse health conditions," said allergist Alan Baptist, MD, MPH, lead study author and ACAAI member. "Recent studies have shown
New Guidelines for Controlling Asthma in Older WomendailyRx
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