Migraine, arthritis, asthma, flu predictor and more available at AccuWeather.com – Plain Dealer

Plain Dealer

Migraine, arthritis, asthma, flu predictor and more available at AccuWeather.com
Plain Dealer
To find the health forecasts, go to AccuWeather.com, type in the city, state or zip code you want to check, slide your cursor over the word "Forecast" and click on the health condition you're interested in. You can also download AccuWeather's free app.

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Ohio’s children’s hospitals to collaborate on asthma and drug-addicted babies … – Plain Dealer

Ohio's children's hospitals to collaborate on asthma and drug-addicted babies
Plain Dealer
By Reginald Fields, The Plain Dealer Cleveland's Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital is partnering with the state's other five children's hospitals to perform joint research in two areas: childhood asthma and caring for drug-addicted newborns.
Children's hospitals to tackle research projects on low-weight babiesColumbus Dispatch

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Children’s Tylenol and related painkillers may be a cause of asthma surge … – Plain Dealer

Plain Dealer

Children's Tylenol and related painkillers may be a cause of asthma surge
Plain Dealer
This week a researcher in Akron writes that the drug is contributing to the rise in asthma cases. It's time to think twice about reaching for a pain reliever when your child has a low-grade fever or minor aches and pains. The use of acetaminophen — a

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Strongsville student earns grant for asthma education at Sts. Joseph and John … – Plain Dealer (blog)

Plain Dealer (blog)

Strongsville student earns grant for asthma education at Sts. Joseph and John
Plain Dealer (blog)
By Eric Sandy, Sun News View full sizeERIC SANDY/SUN NEWSJacob Koshel, 8, shows off a certificate he earned in conjunction with a grant to promote asthma education at Sts. Joseph and John School. STRONGSVILLE With the help of funding from a national

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No-idling rules help reduce air-alert days, asthma attacks: William Katzin and … – Plain Dealer

Plain Dealer

No-idling rules help reduce air-alert days, asthma attacks: William Katzin and
Plain Dealer
Ozone pollution is linked with increased asthma attacks, painful breathing and shortness of breath. Children, the elderly and those with respiratory illnesses such as emphysema and bronchitis are at highest risk. Cuyahoga County has a higher asthma

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EPA must stop delaying action on stringent air toxicity standards – Plain Dealer (blog)

EPA must stop delaying action on stringent air toxicity standards
Plain Dealer (blog)
In March, the EPA finally proposed a strong rule, which it estimates would cut mercury and other toxic air pollution by 91 percent, saving up to 17000 lives each year and preventing 120000 asthma attacks annually. This rule is especially important for
Why Do Some in Congress Want to Allow More Mercury Pollution, Asthma Attacks Natural Resources Defense Council (blog)
EPA, Coast Guard Announce Agreement to Enforce Air Pollution Requirements for U.S. EPA.gov (press release)
EPA Sued for Failure to Enforce Air Pollution Laws in Central CaliforniaMedia Newswire (press release)

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