Use Of Paracetamol During Pregnancy Ups Asthma Risk Of Unborn Baby – Tech Times

Tech Times

Use Of Paracetamol During Pregnancy Ups Asthma Risk Of Unborn Baby
Tech Times
The researchers likewise observed a consistent link between the children who have asthma at 3 years old and exposure to paracetamol during pregnancy. The strongest link was observed in children whose mother used paracetamol during pregnancy for …
Prenatal Acetaminophen Tied to Asthma Risk in…WebMD
Acetaminophen exposure before birth linked to asthmaMedical News Today
Prenatal acetaminophen exposure increases asthma risk in
U.S. News & World Report –Parent Herald
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Well | Tylenol During Pregnancy Tied to Asthma in Children – New York Times (blog)


Well | Tylenol During Pregnancy Tied to Asthma in Children
New York Times (blog)
After controlling for various health and behavioral characteristics, they found that prenatal exposure to Tylenol was associated with a 13 percent increased risk for asthma at age 3. The more Tylenol the mother had taken during pregnancy, the higher
Tylenol During Pregnancy Linked to Higher Asthma Risk in KidsNewsmax

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Asthma linked to an increased time to pregnancy European Lung Foundation – EurekAlert (press release)

Asthma linked to an increased time to pregnancy European Lung Foundation
EurekAlert (press release)
Published today (12 February, 2016) in the European Respiratory Journal, the research adds to previous studies that have identified a link between asthma and fertility. The evidence so far has been conflicting and many of the studies have either relied

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During Pregnancy, Tylenol May Increase Kids’ Asthma Risk , Chocolate May Be Beneficial – CBS Local

During Pregnancy, Tylenol May Increase Kids' Asthma Risk , Chocolate May Be Beneficial
CBS Local
BOSTON (CBS) – There is one pain medication that most doctors tell women they can safely take during pregnancy, namely acetaminophen or Tylenol, which is welcome relief to many expectant moms because other common pain killers, like aspirin and …

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Exposure To Air Pollution During Pregnancy Ups Asthma Risk In Babies – Tech Times

Tech Times

Exposure To Air Pollution During Pregnancy Ups Asthma Risk In Babies
Tech Times
Pregnant women exposed to polluted air are at high risk of giving birth to children who might develop asthma before the age of 5. Researchers suggest steering clear of busy roads or checking air quality before heading out for physical activities.
Air pollution exposure during pregnancy linked with asthma risk University of British ColumbiaEurekAlert (press release)
Air pollution exposure during pregnancy linked with asthma riskXinhua
Exposure to high air pollution during pregnancy increases asthma risk in babiesThe Indian Express

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Air pollution exposure during pregnancy linked with asthma risk University of British Columbia – EurekAlert (press release)

Deccan Chronicle

Air pollution exposure during pregnancy linked with asthma risk University of British Columbia
EurekAlert (press release)
Babies born to mothers exposed to air pollution from traffic during pregnancy have an increased risk of developing asthma before the age of six, according to new UBC research. "Our study results highlight the danger of exposure to pollution while
Air pollution exposure during pregnancy linked with asthma riskMedical Xpress
Moms-to-be, cut your exposure to air pollution, it increases asthma risk in babiesTheHealthSite
Air pollution exposure in pregnancy ups asthma risk in babies: studyDeccan Chronicle

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Air pollution exposure during pregnancy linked with asthma risk – Medical Xpress

Times of India

Air pollution exposure during pregnancy linked with asthma risk
Medical Xpress
The researchers monitored physician-diagnosed asthma cases among this group and also assessed exposure of the mother's to air pollutants during pregnancy. Each mother's postcode was used and exposure level was determined using three measures:.
Air pollution increases asthma risk in babiesTimes of India
Air pollution exposure in pregnancy ups asthma risk in babies: studyDeccan Chronicle
Moms-to-be, cut your exposure to air pollution, it increases asthma risk in babiesTheHealthSite

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Study: Anti-Asthma Drugs Taken During Pregnancy Associated With Autism Risk – DrexelNow


Study: Anti-Asthma Drugs Taken During Pregnancy Associated With Autism Risk
By comparing birth records over a period of nine years, Drexel researchers found that the children of mothers who took a certain asthma medication during pregnancy faced an elevated risk of being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. “Since the …
Anti-asthma drug during pregnancy may be linked to autism
Asthma Med Use During Pregnancy Linked to Increased Autism RiskMonthly Prescribing Reference (registration)

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Autism risk linked to asthma drugs taken during pregnancy: Drexel study –

Autism risk linked to asthma drugs taken during pregnancy: Drexel study
Drexel University researchers say they have found a link between women who have taken certain asthma medications while pregnant and an elevated risk of their children developing autism. The study examined birth records from Denmark between 1997 …

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Some Asthma Drugs During Pregnancy May Increase Risk of Autism – (blog) (blog)

Some Asthma Drugs During Pregnancy May Increase Risk of Autism (blog)
A new study reveals that the children of mothers who took a certain asthma medication during pregnancy may face an elevated risk of being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Drexel University researchers compared birth records over a period of
Anti-Asthma Drug Associated with Autism Risk, Study SaysADVANCE for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists

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