Capitalizing on a teachable moment motivates parents of kids with asthma to quit smoking – Science Daily

Capitalizing on a teachable moment motivates parents of kids with asthma to quit smoking
Science Daily
Despite a reduction in overall smoking prevalence, parental smoking and pediatric SHSe remain high, particularly among minority and low income families with children with asthma. More than 40 percent of all children are exposed to SHSe, which increases …

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Capitalizing on a teachable moment motivates parents of kids with asthma to quit smoking – EurekAlert (press release)

Capitalizing on a teachable moment motivates parents of kids with asthma to quit smoking
EurekAlert (press release)
(Boston)–Parents who smoke are more likely to quit smoking after receiving motivational smoking cessation counseling following a "teachable moment" (TM) such as witnessing their child experience an asthma attack. The study, which appears in the

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Smoking & Asthma: Get A Free Electronic Cigarette And Quit Smoking With 31 … – Midland Daily News

Smoking & Asthma: Get A Free Electronic Cigarette And Quit Smoking With 31
Midland Daily News
Smoking is an unhealthy habit. Nicotine addiction is one of the major challenges smokers face when trying to quit smoking. For smokers with asthma, it's even worse. In its support, is distributing free electronic

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Childhood asthma link shows it is never too soon for mums to quit smoking –

Daily Mail

Childhood asthma link shows it is never too soon for mums to quit smoking
By Kirsty Oswald, medwireNews Reporter. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk for asthma and wheezing in early childhood, even if children are not exposed to smoke after birth, a European study shows. Researchers found that the risk for asthma
Smoking during pregnancy linked with asthma in childrenFox News
Smoking during pregnancy may boost risk of asthma in kidsThe Courier-Journal
Smoking During Pregnancy Increases Wheeze and Asthma Risk in Preschool news Stories –GlobalPost –Medical News Today
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Quit smoking to help COPD, asthma group – New Zealand Doctor Online

TopNews Arab Emirates

Quit smoking to help COPD, asthma group
New Zealand Doctor Online
"Quitting is such a worthwhile thing to do and there's now so much quitting support available," Petera Wahanui, a winner at the Asthma Foundation's 2009 Asthma and Respiratory Achievers Awards says in the media release. The Asthma Foundation is
World COPD Day: Media statement from the Asthma (press release)
Get a lung disease checkupMarlborough Express
Free testing today for COPDRoyal Gazette –Bethany Beach Wave
all 34 news articles »

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