Carbon nanotubes found in lung cells of all asthma patients – Science Recorder

Science Recorder

Carbon nanotubes found in lung cells of all asthma patients
Science Recorder
The scientists studied lung cells from 69 randomly selected asthma patients aged two to 17 who receive routine fiber-optic bronchoscopy as part of their treatment. Particulate matter was found in the alveolar macrophage cells–the cells that prevent
Carbon nanotubes found in children's lungs for the first timeNew Scientist
Carbon Nanotubes Found for the First Time Ever in Human Lungs of Asthmatic Times Gazette
Carbon nanotubes found in children's lungs in ParisPulse Headlines
Discovery News –Tech Times –Morning Ticker –ScienceDirect
all 41 news articles »

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State health officials encourage awareness and action during World Asthma Month – Indianapolis Recorder

State health officials encourage awareness and action during World Asthma Month
Indianapolis Recorder
Nearly 25 million Americans suffer from asthma, a disease that affects the lungs and causes episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and coughing. Children are especially susceptible and one out of every 10 school-aged children has asthma

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