Classmate records FL cop kicking handcuffed teen who had asthma attack on … – Raw Story

NBC 6 South Florida

Classmate records FL cop kicking handcuffed teen who had asthma attack on
Raw Story
Cell phone video shows a Florida police officer kicking a handcuffed teen who now plans to file a formal complaint. Kevens Jean Baptiste said he was kicked off his school bus Thursday for refusing to follow the driver's order to keep the windows closed.
Boy says Boynton Beach police officer assaulted him 'for no reason'Local 10
Boynton Beach officer caught on camera kicking 13-year-old boy7Online WSVN-TV
Family plans complaint after officer kicks boyOcala

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The Agenda Behind Electronic Health Records

The Agenda Behind Electronic Health Records
In the nation’s drive to computerize patient records, Jonathan Bush surely qualifies as the most disgruntled beneficiary of the government’s largesse – billions in incentives to accelerate adoption by doctors and hospitals.

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