Many products claim to reduce allergens – Columbus Dispatch

Columbus Dispatch

Many products claim to reduce allergens
Columbus Dispatch
Many allergy and asthma sufferers try to rid their homes of the pollen, dust, dander, mold and other triggers that make their eyes water, noses run and lungs fight for air. They might vacuum frequently, buy air purifiers or install filters or
Spring cleaning tips for allergy sufferersMonsters and

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Study Finds Microbes Reduce Risk of Children Developing Asthma – news Stories

USA Today

Study Finds Microbes Reduce Risk of Children Developing Asthma
news Stories
A German epidemiological study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, confirms previous findings that children living on farms are significantly less likely to develop asthma than others. This study shows that the lower susceptibility of
Children raised on farms less vulnerable to asthmaTheMedGuru
Children Living on Farms Less Likely to Develop AsthmaTopNews United States
Children on Farms Have Low Asthma RiskMedIndia
USA Today
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