Trouble sleeping? Chest pain? Could be symptoms of adult asthma – AOL News

AOL News

Trouble sleeping? Chest pain? Could be symptoms of adult asthma
AOL News
If you're having trouble sleeping or struggling with chest pain, the cause might not be what you expect. A new survey by National Jewish Health found about half of adults don't know chest pain and trouble sleeping could be symptoms of adult-onset asthma.
Asthma Symptoms: Hidden Signs Of Asthma Attack Often Overlooked; What Are These?Parent Herald

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Sleeping On Animal Fur Can Lower Asthma Risk – TIME


Sleeping On Animal Fur Can Lower Asthma Risk
The research, just presented at the European Respiratory Society International Congress, examined data from 2,441 German children and found an association between sleeping on animal fur, like sheepskin rugs or throws, during their first three months
Asthma risk reduced in babies sleeping on animal furMedical News Today
Can the electronic nose change asthma treatment?TheHealthSite
Exposure to Animal Fur Early in Life Reduces Asthma RiskNature World News
Science World Report –MedCity News –Headlines & Global News
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Asthma risk reduced in babies sleeping on animal fur – Medical News Today

Asthma risk reduced in babies sleeping on animal fur
Medical News Today
Researchers have found that babies sleeping on animal fur for their first 3 months of life could have a reduced risk of developing asthma later in childhood. The findings of the research will be presented at the European Respiratory Society (ERS
Putting Baby to Sleep on Animal Fur May Lower Asthma Risk: StudyHealthDay
Trendy sheepskin pram liners may 'reduce risk of asthma'
Babies Who Sleep On Animal Fur Less Likely To Develop AsthmaScience 2.0
Medical Xpress –Newsmax Health
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