Asthma in kids can flare up during back to school season – Toronto Star

Asthma in kids can flare up during back to school season
Toronto Star
The annual back to school season typically triggers a bump in asthma activity, and affected kids and their parents need to focus on controlling the condition, experts have said. The Asthma Society of Canada said up to a quarter of all trips children
Back to school leads to peak in asthma flareups; parents urged to stress controlBrandon Sun

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Burgess backs temporary rescue for asthma inhalers – Fort Worth Star Telegram

Fort Worth Star Telegram

Burgess backs temporary rescue for asthma inhalers
Fort Worth Star Telegram
That's why he filed a bill that recently passed a House subcommittee to let over-the-counter emergency asthma inhalers — pulled from the shelves at the beginning of this year — still be sold in pharmacies, even if that's just until they sell out. "I

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Early detection of allergy – Malaysia Star


Early detection of allergy
Malaysia Star
An expert guide on allergy detection. ALLERGY is best nipped in the bud because if it is not detected early and managed well, it will progress from one form, say, eczema to another, such as asthma, later on in the child's life. This is called the
Evaluating and managing pediatric food allergyClinical Advisor
Food allergies among adolescents more common in Israel than Britain, study Haaretz
Allergists Develop Interactive Tool for Allergy SufferersNewswise (press release)

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