School Refuses To Treat Student Suffering Asthma Attack Over Lack of … –

School Refuses To Treat Student Suffering Asthma Attack Over Lack of
Parents of an 8-year-old student from Texas are claiming school officials did not give their son medical attention when he was suffering from an asthma attack. The reason? The teacher didn't have the necessary paperwork authorized by his doctor and

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Ridgewood High School Student Found Dead –

Ridgewood High School Student Found Dead
Bergen County Prosecutor's Office spokeswoman Maureen Parenta said Campanello died from an asthma attack. The prosecutor's office is not investigating the case, she said. "It's a tragedy for anything like this to happen but especially when it's someone
Ridgewood teen found

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Royal Liverpool University Hospital: Student dies after staff told friends to … – Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Royal Liverpool University Hospital: Student dies after staff told friends to
Daily Mail
'We note the comments of Dr Taggart, the asthma expert, in this case about the need to educate the public and asthma sufferers on the importance of using the emergency ambulance services. 'Since this tragic incident, the Trust has reviewed its policy

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