Medical Groups Warn Of Climate Change’s Potential Impact on Health – U.S. News & World Report

Medical Groups Warn Of Climate Change's Potential Impact on Health
U.S. News & World Report
In addition, increased air pollution can increase asthma and other respiratory diseases, he noted. Climate change also increase the prevalence of airborne and water-borne disease. Benjamin believes that the Clean Air Act, passed in 1970,
Warming Threatens Public Health, Groups WarnMedPage Today
Medical Groups Warn Of Climate Change's Potential Impact on HealthDoctors Lounge

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Facebook can trigger asthma attacks, doctors warn – Los Angeles Times

Facebook can trigger asthma attacks, doctors warn
Los Angeles Times
They describe the case of an 18-year-old man whose asthma had been in check until he logged on to the social networking site and discovered that his
Did Ex-Girlfriend's Facebook Page Trigger Man's Asthma?BusinessWeek
Facebook Heartbreak Leads to Man's Asthma AttacksABC News
Did Facebook Trigger an Asthma Attack?WebMD
The Associated Press – –Washington Post
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