Why Obama Said Global Warming Gave His Daughter Asthma – Wired


Why Obama Said Global Warming Gave His Daughter Asthma
“Malia had asthma when she was four, and because we had good health insurance, we were able to knock it out early,” the president told ABC News' chief health correspondent, Dr. Richard Besser, in an interview that aired on April 8. Obama made the …
Obama: Daughter's asthma attack made climate change personalThe Hill
Obama: Global Warming Gave My Daughter AsthmaDaily Caller
Sorry, Mr. President, Global Warming Didn't Cause Malia's AsthmaInvestor’s Business Daily
Washington Times –TheBlaze.com
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Increased risk of asthma for the baby before conception if the father smoked – Beta Wired

Increased risk of asthma for the baby before conception if the father smoked
Beta Wired
img_23698 Although a man, who is a smoker, quits smoking during his wife's pregnancy in order to avoid harming the health and condition of their unborn son or daughter, they may have already caused the baby confronts an increased risk of asthma. This

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Exposure to Dogs Could Protect Kids From Asthma – Wired News

Wired News

Exposure to Dogs Could Protect Kids From Asthma
Wired News
Babies exposed to certain microbes carried by dogs may build up immunity against asthma, according to research by a team of biologists from the University of California.
The Dog Bacteria That Protect You From AsthmaThe Atlantic
Dog Bacteria Reduces Risk of Asthma in Humans, Says ScienceGizmodo
Research suggests bacteria from dogs may protect against asthmaScope (blog)

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