Can we replace missing microbes? – Rodney Dietert Ph.D.

Defeating Asthma Series uncovers New Hope for Asthma Managementant

In this fourth in a series of interviews with Rodney Dietert, PhD Cornell University Professor Emeritus, Health Scientist Head of Translational Science + Education for SEED and the Author of the Human Super-Organism How the Microbiome is Revolutionizing the Pursuit of a Healthy Life we learn about:

* Replacing replacing missing microbes

World Asthma Foundation: Dr. Dietert can we replace missing microbes?

Dr. Dietert: There are products available and we have used a product that is a missing skin microbe. It’s very important in certain metabolic pathways that actually help provide health benefits that are beyond the skin.

Video: Can we replace missing microbes? – Rodney Dietert Ph.D.

That was one that basically was recovered in a very interesting way that involved essentially marriages between some indigenous people and others that were westernized and the microbe being able to not necessarily be removed from a remote location but being able to be a part of what we would call genetically an F1.

There are opportunities to retrieve some missing microbes. I think Dr. Blaser and his wife have done incredible work by the way as well, very much attuned and will have a lot to offer on what’s missing and where is it and can it be retrieved. I think the answer is yes. There are commercial products and we’ve actually used some of them that are the missing microbes.

It’s important to recognize that some of the indigenous peoples that have not had the same environmental experiences that we’ve had, and the same contact with modernization have microbes that are exceptionally important for health are helping prevent obesity and asthma and diabetes in those populations. Those microbes are really the protectors.

Yes, I think that reintroducing those to the extent it is possible is an extremely worthwhile effort.

I would point out that it’s a fragile situation because I think from Dr. Blaser and his wife’s work, you will learn that the indigenous populations in South America if they go into the urban areas, if their children go into the urban areas, start adopting the diet and lifestyle there, it takes no time at all for them to acquire the same set of diseases that we see so prevalent here.

World Asthma Foundation: With that, Dr. Dietert, we certainly thank you for your time, all that you do for the microbiome and the community. Good afternoon, and thanks again.

Dr. Dietert: Well, and thank you for all you do with the World Asthma foundation, Bill. Pleasure.

Can we test for whats in the Microbiome? – Justin L. Sonnenburg PhD

Defeating Asthma Series uncovers New Hope for Asthma Management

In this interview with Justin L. Sonnenburg PhD, Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University, we learn about:

* Testing for Microbes within the Microbiome

* That we’re in the early stages of our understanding of the Microbiome

* Research that still needs to be done

Our understanding of Asthma and the way we treat it may soon be radically different from what currently exists, due to new research on the human microbiome and how the microbiome affects asthma.

“Diseases largely driven by inflammation and an altered immune system. If we start to take our gut microbiota into account, as we live our life, as we make medical decisions, eat different foods and potentially even eventually reintroduce some of these lost microbes, how profound can the impact be on our health?” Justin L. Sonnenburg Ph.D


World Asthma Foundation:  Dr. Sonnenburg, can we test for what’s in the microbiome?

Video Interview Can we test for whats in the Microbiome? – Justin L. Sonnenburg PhD

Dr. Justin L. Sonnenburg: On an individual level, there are companies that offer testing for the different species to give you the composition of what’s in your microbiome. I can’t speak to the validity of any of these companies, but there are commercial entities out there that will provide a profile for individuals.

World Asthma Foundation:  Thanks. Do you know if it’s specific? For example, research reflects that Bifidobacterium breve and Lactobacillus specifically have been targeted. I’m not a hundred percent sure if it’s inflammation or infection or both, it seems to be successful. The question is, can we test for those specific bacteria?

Dr. Justin L. Sonnenburg: There are targeted tests out there for specific bacteria that where we think given the species may be of interest. Of course, this is most famous for infectious agents. If you want to go in and see if you have Clostridium difficile or salmonella or something like that, there are specific targeted tests. These are less common for the good guys in our gut. I think part of the reason is we still don’t have a great understanding of what the good guys are.

There are studies out there that indicate certain associated with health States are associated with being able to fight off specific problems.

In general, quite often what’s found for one population when surveyed in an independent population doesn’t necessarily hold up.

There’s just extreme variability in the gut microbiome. I think as much as we know about the field is still how fundamental this community is to our health, we’re still at a really early stage of understanding what is healthy and also coming to grips with the fact that there is no single definition of healthy, that healthy really depends on the individual, the context, and many other factors.

World Asthma Foundation: It’s a complex issue and relatively emerging, right?

Dr. Justin L. Sonnenburg:  Exactly. A lot of research still needs to be done.

World Asthma Foundation: Thank you everything that you do on a daily basis for the gut microbiome, certainly for your teachings and your writings and for your time today. Appreciate it.

Dr. Justin L. Sonnenburg: Wonderful being with you. Thanks so much.

Microbes and Inflammatory Disease Justin L. Sonnenburg PhD

Defeating Asthma Series uncovers New Hope for Asthma Management

In this interview with Justin L. Sonnenburg PhD, Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University, we learn diseases largely driven by inflammation and an altered immune system may benefit from taking our microbiome into account.

Our understanding of Asthma and the way we treat it may soon be radically different from what currently exists, due to new research on the human microbiome and how the microbiome affects asthma.

“Diseases largely driven by inflammation and an altered immune system. If we start to take our gut microbiota into account, as we live our life, as we make medical decisions, eat different foods and potentially even eventually reintroduce some of these lost microbes, how profound can the impact be on our health?” Justin L. Sonnenburg Ph.D


World Asthma Foundation: Can you talk about the link between microbes and Western inflammatory diseases? We know there are billions of microbes good and bad in our body and research links some to wellness and some to disease. The big question is can we test for whether we are populated with these microbes or not?

Video: Microbes and Inflammatory Disease Justin L. Sonnenburg PhD

Dr. Justin L. Sonnenburg:  On a population level, it’s very clear that some of the microbes that have been associated with humans over the course of our evolution for probably hundreds of thousands of years.

The reason that we know that is if we go to different traditional populations like Hunter-gatherers in different parts of the planet, like Africa, South America, Papua new Guinea all over the place.

We see microbes associated with these populations and many of these populations are completely healthy except for maybe increased incidents of infectious disease. They certainly don’t have many chronic inflammatory diseases.

These microbes are present in all of these populations but missing from industrialized populations were incredibly rare or reduced abundance. At a population level, we can see that for instance, all Americans are missing specific groups of bacteria that we know were- we harbored for hundreds of thousands of years as we migrated around the planets in our past around the planet to different parts of the world.

On an individual level, there still is a lot of variability. The microbiome is highly individualized. That means some people’s microbiome appears to be more westernized, maybe more deteriorated, maybe more lower diversity.

Quite often that more deteriorated state of the gut microbiome is associated with chronic diseases, with obesity, with metabolic syndrome and things like that. On an individual level, there are companies that offer testing for the different species to give you the composition of what’s in your microbiome.

I can’t speak to the validity of any of these companies, but there are commercial entities out there that will provide a profile for individuals.

World Asthma Foundation: Thank you everything that you do on a daily basis for the gut microbiome, certainly for your teachings and your writings and for your time today. Appreciate it.

Dr. Justin L. Sonnenburg: Wonderful being with you. Thanks so much.

Missing Microbes and Asthma Link Say Multiple Studies – Martin J Blaser MD

Defeating Asthma Series uncovers New Hope for Asthma Management

In this third interview with Martin J Blaser MD, Director of the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine at Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences and the Henry Rutgers Chair of the Human Microbiome and Professor of Medicine and Microbiology at the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey and the Author of the “Missing Microbes – How the Overuse of Antibiotics is Fueling Our Modern Plagues.” we learn:

  • About the H. pylori and Asthma connection
  • Additional reserach looking into the connection between H. pylori and Asthma
  • Whether the Microbes can reintroduced
Video: Missing Microbes and Asthma Link Say Multiple Studies – Martin J Blaser MD

Asthma Foundation: Dr. Blaser, we’ve talked about the asthma connection and the H. pylori topic. Can you identify these missing microbes also with tests? 

Dr. Blaser: Yes. The paper with Jakob Stokholm in Nature Communications looked at this– We saw that there was a difference in the microbiome in the kids that were one year old. That was the age at which their microbiome made a difference, whether they’d have a risk of asthma or not. Then we asked, “Okay, what’s the difference in the specific microbes at age one between the positives and the negatives?” We identified about 20 microbes that were significantly different, mostly lost, mostly missing.

What was interesting is that a group from British Columbia, led by Dr. Brett Finlay and colleagues had published about this also. They had found, I think, four or five organisms and we matched on four of the five. Again, two independent studies finding the same relationship makes it stronger

World Asthma Foundation: If I understand correctly, your research is determining whether or not you can repopulate the H. pylori. Is that independent of the intestinal microbes? 

Dr. Blaser: In theory, yes. What’s interesting is that people have been interested in microbes and asthma for quite some time, and most of the concentration was in the large intestine, in the colon. We were interested in the stomach first, but then we got more involved in the colon also. I think that both compartments in the body are important. Both of them are important. They’re both subject to this terrible pressure of the disappearance of microbes because of such things as antibiotics and cesarean sections and the like. They’re both. All of these microbes are potentially replaceable. That’s the hope.

World Asthma Foundation: Fantastic, that’s the hope.


Asthma and the Microbiome – What’s New with Rodney Dietert, Phd

Defeating Asthma Series uncovers New Hope for Asthma Management

In this second interview with Rodney Dietert, PhD Cornell University Professor Emeritus, Health Scientist Head of Translational Science + Education for SEED and the Author of the Human Super-Organism How the Microbiome is Revolutionizing the Pursuit of a Healthy Life we learn about:

* Advances in technology that have supported making the connections between the Microbiome and disease like Asthma

* Some useful things for both preventative medicine and to avoid disease

World Asthma Foundation: What’s new in the world of the microbiome?

Asthma and the Microbiome – What’s New with Rodney Dietert, Phd

Dr. Dietert: I think it’s making the connections. There were a lot of data collected early on and there were different technologies that have enabled us to characterize bacteria viruses, fungi, archaea in different ways and to different details. Now has been the process of figuring out ecosystems of these. Once you have technologies that you feel comfortable with, that you think have utility, then it’s a matter of understanding how these interact because bacteria don’t exist in our gut or in our airways or on the skin in isolation. There are communities and they are interacting not just with the mammalian cells of our body but with each other.

The ways in which they interact with each other to produce little ecological systems filled with different chemicals, different vitamin production, different ways to handle toxic metals are important. Understanding how you approach those communities and how you can do some useful things for both preventative medicine which is ideal, avoid the disease when you can and then more effective therapeutic integrative holistic approaches.

World Asthma Foundation: With that, Dr. Dietert, we certainly thank you for your time, all that you do for the microbiome and the community. Good afternoon, and thanks again.

Dr. Dietert: Well, and thank you for all you do with the World Asthma foundation, Bill.

Asthma and the Microbiome – Martin J Blaser MD Interview

Defeating Asthma Series uncovers New Hope for Asthma Management

In this second interview with Martin J Blaser MD, Director of the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine at Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences and the Henry Rutgers Chair of the Human Microbiome and Professor of Medicine and Microbiology at the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey and the Author of the “Missing Microbes – How the Overuse of Antibiotics is Fueling Our Modern Plagues.” we learn:

  • About the connection between Asthma and the Microbiome
  • About research and studies that predict Asthma in childhood
  • About bacteria not just in the stomach but in the colon
  • About C-sections and the likelihood to develop asthma
  • About the Mayo Clinic study on Asthma and antibiotics useage

Our understanding of Asthma and the way we treat it may soon be radically different from what currently exists, due to new research on the human microbiome and how the microbiome affects asthma.

World Asthma Foundation: Dr. Blaser, can you help us connect Asthma and the Microbiome?

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Dr. Blaser: I’ve gotten very involved in studying the human microbiome in general, not just in the stomach, but in the colon. We and others are working on the relationship of the bacteria (microbiome) in the colon and asthma.

Again, there’s a paper that’s published. A young doctor from Denmark, Dr. Jakob Stokholm, came to work in my lab. This happened after Missing Microbes was published, so it’s not in the book. He’s part of a study in Copenhagen called the COPSAC study, the Copenhagen Open Study of Asthma in Children. They have cohorts of moms whose kids are going to have high risk of asthma, either because they have asthma or they already have a child who has asthma.

In 2010, if I remember correctly, they enrolled 750 moms with this high risk. They obtained fecal samples from the moms. They also got samples from the kids at one week, one month, and one year of life. Then they followed these kids until they were about six. The question was, is there anything that might predict who was going to get asthma at the age of six? We did a lot of work studying the microbiome in their fecal specimens, and what we found is consistent with what other people found: that the microbiome matures over time between one week and one month, and one year. It shows a pattern of maturation, but in some kids, their microbiome doesn’t mature in the normal way.

Then we made a very important observation. In those kids whose microbiome didn’t mature normally when you compare them to kids who did have normal maturation, the odds ratio, the chances that they were going to get asthma when they were six was 3, (300%) meaning a rate three times normal. Then we divided those kids by whether their mother previously had asthma or not. If their mother didn’t have asthma, the maturation pattern did not make a difference, but if their mother did have asthma, the odds ratio was 13.

We’re getting in the range of the association between smoking and lung cancer. That’s how strong that is. That was published about two years ago in Nature Communications. We have a new paper that now is in press. It is about cesarean sections. It’s known that kids born by C-section have a higher risk of developing asthma. The question is why?

From this study, again with the children in the Copenhagen study, we confirmed that kids born by C-section are more likely to develop asthma than those who didn’t. In those kids who had C-section, on average, their microbiome early was abnormal compared to those who were born vaginally. But by a year, in many of them, their microbiome had matured normally, but if it didn’t mature normally, those kids had a very high rate of getting asthma. Again, a high risk. That’s going to be published within a month or two because it’s been accepted already.

Now, what I will tell you is that with Dr. Müeller and with a graduate student in my lab, Tim Borbet, we’ve been doing a lot of mouse-asthma studies where we can experimentally give a mouse asthma or allergy. We already can show that if we perturb the microbiome early in life with antibiotics, they’re going to get more allergy and more asthma. That’s interesting because a paper was just published from British Columbia, showing that they had a really good program to diminish antibiotic use across the whole province. They showed that with diminishing antibiotic use, asthma rates are going down, so it’s all connected.

Furthermore, I’m part of another study that’s also in press. It’s going to be published probably in a month or two with scientists at the Mayo Clinic. I visited there a few years ago. The Mayo clinic is located in Olmsted County, Minnesota. It’s a pretty isolated place. In general, people don’t come, people don’t go, they stay there. It’s a very good stable population to study. I suggested to my colleagues there, why don’t you look at the effects of antibiotics in early life for certain marker diseases, including asthma and food allergy, and atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis. All these diseases go together. The group there is very active and outstanding, and they studied about 14,000 kids who were born in Olmsted County, and they were followed up to the time that they were 15 or 14. They had a lot of information from their health records because most of their medical care there is through the Mayo Clinic.

The bottom line is that if they received antibiotics in the first two years of life, their odds ratio of getting asthma was 2. They were twice as likely as kids who did not receive early-life antibiotics. Lots of things are pointing to the importance of the early life microbiome and the importance of when its being perturbed by antibiotics, that there’s increased risk. The relationship with moms, that’s this kind of transgenerational thing that each generation is stepping down.

World Asthma Foundation: A lot of these antibiotics are not only prescribed, but they’re ubiquitous in our diet and our food supply right?.

Dr. Blaser: Yes. Well, I’m very interested in that as well, although the prescribed antibiotic is more important because it’s higher dose. In mice, when we give low doses of antibiotics, it perturbs the immune system but not so much. When we give them the same kind of doses that kids get to treat their ear infections or their throat infections, it really perturbs their immune system and puts it on a different path. That’s also published.

Catch the video interview by clicking here .

Asthma and the Missing Microbes – Martin J Blaser MD Interview

Defeating Asthma Series uncovers New Hope for Asthma Management

In this interview with Martin J Blaser MD, Director of the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine at Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences and the Henry Rutgers Chair of the Human Microbiome and Professor of Medicine and Microbiology at the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey and the Author of the “Missing Microbes – How the Overuse of Antibiotics is Fueling Our Modern Plagues.” we learn:

  • About the H. pylori and Asthma connection
  • That H. pylori was disappearing with modernization
  • Can we identify these missing microbes
  • Can we replace them?
  • Can we repopulate these missing microbes?

Our understanding of Asthma and the way we treat it may soon be radically different from what currently exists, due to new research on the human microbiome and how the microbiome affects asthma.

Dr. Blaser: These are good questions.

World Asthma Foundation: Great. Thank you for the support.

Dr. Blaser: Fine. That’s good. I’m happy to help you because this is what I really believe.

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World Asthma Foundation: Doctor Blaser, what prompted your interest in this area?

Dr. Blaser: Well, it all starts with H. pylori. We did a lot of work on H. pylori. Some of this is in the book, but we developed the first really good blood test to tell if a person had H. pylori or not, and that opened a lot of doors for us.

We made the association between H. pylori and stomach cancer, and brought depth to the association with ulcers. We’ve discovered a form of H. pylori that has a gene called CagA.

We discovered that actually using my own serum and tests, and so we could distinguish between two different subtypes of H. pylori, one which is more interactive with people, and the other is less interactive. The more interactive is called the CagA-positive strain.

And we learned that H. pylori was disappearing with modernization. To many doctors, that was good news because of the linkage with stomach cancer and ulcers, but I was not certain.

I’m not a gastroenterologist, my specialty is infectious diseases, but I had a lot of gastroenterologists working with me. One day I said to one of the gastroenterologists, Dr. Richard Peek, “I’ve heard a lot about this disease called reflux or GERD. Why don’t we see whether there’s an association with H. pylori or not? I’m thinking that there might be because GERD is a disease that is increasing in incidence.”

It was a disease that wasn’t recognized until the 1930s, it wasn’t in the medical literature until the 1930s.

We did the study, it’s recounted in Missing Microbes. He came back to me and said, “This is funny. There’s an inverse association. People who have GERD less often have H. pylori than others.”

Then it occurred to me that maybe H. pylori is protective against GERD, and maybe the reason that GERD is going up is because H. pylori is disappearing.

We conducted about 10 other studies on GERD, on Barrett’s esophagus, on adenocarcinoma of the esophagus, all of these showed an inverse association. It became clear to me that helicobacter is bad for your stomach but good for your esophagus.

Because I’m a medical doctor, I knew that there’s a relationship between reflux and asthma. There are people who start wheezing and their doctor treats them with a medicine to suppress gastric acidity and their asthma gets better. That’s well-known to physicians, and in adult-onset asthma, that might be 10% of the cases. It’s not rare.

I thought, “Well, if helicobacter protects against reflux, maybe it protects against asthma.” Of course, I knew that asthma was one of these increasing diseases, increasing as H. pylori was going away, so it was a reasonable hypothesis.

At that point, I was at Vanderbilt University. I tried to get the pulmonary people interested in this idea to test it. There was some interest but nobody had the time to test it, and then I moved to NYU, and I became the chair of medicine at NYU. The people at NYU were more responsive.

There was one physician there who had a big asthma clinic, and I said, “Let’s do this test. You give me serum from people who have asthma and controls who do not have asthma, send it to us blindly, and we will see, is there any relationship with H. pylori.”

They did that, and actually I recount this in the book Missing Microbes because it’s one of the more dramatic moments in my career.

My colleague Joan Reibman writes to me, and she says, “You’re right. There’s an inverse association between H. pylori and asthma.” She said, “The results aren’t that great. Maybe we should discuss it.”

They come to my office, she and a couple of other colleagues, and she starts showing me the data. I said, “Oh, that’s it.” The odds ratio was 0.7, I remember it, which is an inverse association. It was statistically significant because there were several hundred people. The study had about 500 people.

I said, “Oh, that’s nice. Well, what about CagA?” She said, “Oh, we didn’t run CagA. We didn’t analyze it.” I said, “Oh, CagA is the most important because that’s the one that’s the most interactive, and what we found with esophageal disease is that CagA strains are the most protective strains.

They are the ones most associated with stomach cancer and ulcers (and thus most bad), but for esophageal disease, they’re the most beneficial strains. They’re the ones that are most protective.

How’s that possible that they are both most good and most bad? It’s because they’re the most interactive. The other ones are not nearly as interactive. And good or bad depends on context, the disease in which you are studying.

I said to her, “Well, what about the CagA strains in asthma?” One of the people on her team was a statistician, he had his laptop, and he said, “Oh, I can just calculate this right now.” He taps a couple of keys in his computer. He says, “Odds ratio of 0.6.” It was even stronger. This was a blinded study.

That was the first study to show an inverse association of H. pylori and asthma. Then about a couple of weeks later, a new epidemiologist came to NYU, Dr. Yu Chen, and she said, “I’ve been told to look you up because you were doing interesting work.” And I said, “Well, I’m really interested in asthma.”

There’s a series of big national studies called the NHANES studies. I suggested to her that we should look at asthma in NHANES because we had a contract some years earlier and we ran H. pylori serology on 11,000 people as part of NHANES.

“So why don’t you go to the NHANES database and find those 11,000 people and see if there’s any relationship with H. pylori?” She did it, and what she found is yes, same thing, inverse relationship with asthma, almost exactly the results from New York.

So we have two independent blinded studies, one with 500 people and one with 11,000 people, both show the same thing.

What was interesting is that we could divide asthma into two classes: childhood-onset asthma, and adult-onset asthma. The association is that in general, the correlation was not with adult-onset asthma, it was only with childhood-onset asthma.

There were several NHANES studies and they had conducted H. pylori serology in another one. We performed that study as well, and we’ve found almost the same results.

Three large independent blinded studies all show the same thing. What was clear is the lack of H. pylori is a marker for risk of asthma for childhood-onset, really clear. Others have been working on this, but I think these were the three most definitive studies.

Then a very good scientist in Zurich, Anne Müeller began doing mouse experiments. There’s a way that you can provoke asthma in mice. There are different mouse models of asthma in mice.

She asked, what if she gives H. pylori to these mice, can she protect them against asthma? And she could.

Then she worked out many of the details of the mechanism, how H. pylori is involved in a lot of the regulation of immunity in the model that I just mentioned. The mechanism is there.

In the meantime, I’ve been working extensively with Dr. Müller for the last four or five years to continue this work. We’ve got a couple of papers already published, and we have more papers that we’re working on and about to submit about the microbiome and about H. pylori. Some of the effect of microbes in asthma is H. pylori.

Asthma and the Microbiome – Rodney Dietert PhD Interview

Defeating Asthma Series uncovers New Hope for Asthma Management

In this interview with Rodney Dietert, PhD Cornell University Professor Emeritus, Health Scientist Head of Translational Science + Education for SEED and the Author of the Human Super-Organism How the Microbiome is Revolutionizing the Pursuit of a Healthy Life we learn that we’re a superorganism and we are, by several measures, primarily microbial, living on a microbial planet.

Our understanding of Asthma and the way we treat it may soon be radically different from what currently exists, due to new research on the human microbiome and how the microbiome affects asthma.


World Asthma Foundation: What prompted your interest in this area?

Dr. Dietert: It was literally the result of a dream. Woke up in the middle of the night, I had been struggling to write a new paper. The paper was supposed to identify the single, most important thing that you could measure in a newborn baby that would be the best predictor of whether that baby’s life was filled with health or filled with disease. That’s a challenging but a worthwhile idea. What could you measure in a newborn baby? I was pretty sure I had the answer because I’d been working for decades on the developing immune system and it was something surrounding that.

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Dr. Dietert: I started to write the paper and it was a very frustrating, terrible effort. Got a couple of paragraphs down and very unconvincing and uninspired and so I went to bed and woke up in the middle of the night and had a magnificent dream, which I don’t really remember the details of but it’s like, “Wow, have I been dreaming? Wow, do I have this idea?” The idea was the best measurement you could have at that point in time with a newborn is the extent to which the baby has self-completed. By self-completed, I mean acquired a full microbiome from mom, dad, and the environment and that is critical. That’s what we’re supposed to be.

We’re a superorganism and we are, by several measures, primarily microbial, living on a microbial planet. The major life form on the planet are bacteria. Really anything that disrupts that completion, in my mind, is viewed as a type of birth defect. It’s a correctable birth defect but nevertheless, it’s like missing a limb or missing a different organ. To miss the seeding events, to miss the microbiome the baby is intended to have is an incredibly serious biological effect that has really serious health ramifications.

My wife helped me put together the scrambled ideas coming off a dream. We wrote the paper and that wound up really turning my career in a whole different direction because it was seen by some filmmakers who were making a wonderful documentary called Microbirth, and it won the Life Science Film Festival Award for 2014. In that documentary, I was able to explain this concept and why it was so critical for preventing essentially diseases like asthma or really reducing the risk dramatically.

That we had control of these risks, the risk for diabetes, for asthma, for psoriasis, for inflammatory bowel, for a whole host of diseases that were to some extent under more control to a greater degree than we had ever envisioned. The reason we had that opportunity was because there was a new biology that we as humans were not what we had been taught or at least what I was taught decades ago in school and what I taught at Cornell for a number of years. That we were quite different.

Once we’ve recognize that difference, then it changes everything. It changes how you approach diet, how you approach what a healthy life looks like, how you approach medicine, therapeutics, drug development, environmental chemicals. Everything changes. Really that’s been my path, to try and help chart and provide useful information on how we, as a superorganism, can lead a healthier life.

World Asthma Foundation: With that, Dr. Dietert, we certainly thank you for your time, all that you do for the microbiome, and the patient population in the community. With that, good afternoon, and thanks again.

Dr. Dietert: Well, and thank you for all you do with the World Asthma foundation, Bill. Pleasure.

World Asthma Foundation: Thank you so much.


New Hope for Asthma Management – The Microbiome Podcast Series 

New Hope for Asthma Management – World Asthma Foundation Announces The Microbiome Podcast Series 

Our understanding of Asthma and the way we treat it may soon be radically different from what currently exists, due to new research on the human microbiome and how the microbiome affects asthma. The Microbiome Podcast Series – New Hope for Asthma Management commences with interviews and reports with leading Microbiome researchers providing new hope for asthma management.

Why this matters 

  • 300 million people around the world have asthma, and while there are treatments to mitigate its effects, there is no definitive understanding of the root causes. Research into the microbiome is now piecing together new understanding of how the microbiome may be closely connected to causing asthma and other diseases.
  • The microbiome is the genetic material of microbes – bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses – that live on and inside the human body.

“The World Asthma Foundation podcast series allows researchers to discuss what they have learned, so people with asthma can learn about some of the advances and connections they are making” – Alan Gray, Director, World Asthma Foundation.

“A growing body of evidence implicates the human microbiome as a potentially influential player actively engaged in shaping the pathogenetic processes underlying the endotypes and phenotypes of chronic respiratory diseases, particularly of the airways.” Lung Microbiome in Asthma: Current Perspectives 2019

Featured guests include:

“In this new era of the Microbiome, there is a massive gap between what we know about human biology and how human health is managed in westernized medicine. That gap needs to be closed soon so medicine can look more like the ecological management of a coral reef than something akin to smothering a forest fire with a small blanket.” Rodney Dietert, Ph.D, Cornell University Professor Emeritus


Asthma and COVID-19 Update Study on Risk

Asthma does not appear to increase the risk or influence its severity, according to University study

Whats new

Rutgers researchers say further study is needed but those with the chronic respiratory disease don’t appear to be at a higher risk of getting extremely ill or dying from coronavirus.“Older age and conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes and obesity are reported risk factors for the development and progression of COVID-19,” said Reynold A. Panettieri Jr., a pulmonary critical care physician and director of the Rutgers Institute for Translational Medicine and Science and co-author of a paper published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

“However, people with asthma — even those with diminished lung function who are being treated to manage asthmatic inflammation — seem to be no worse affected by SARS-CoV-2 than a non-asthmatic person. There is limited data as to why this is the case — if it is physiological or a result of the treatment to manage the inflammation.”

Children and young adults with asthma suffer mainly from allergic inflammation, while older adults who experience the same type of airway inflammation can also suffer from eosinophilic asthma — a more severe form. In these cases, people experience abnormally high levels of a type of white blood cell that helps the body fight infection, which can cause inflammation in the airways, sinuses, nasal passages and lower respiratory tract, potentially making them more at risk for a serious case of COVID-19.

Further Study Needed

Panettieri discusses what we know about asthma and inflammation and the important questions that still need to be answered.

How might awareness of SARS-CoV-2 affect the health of people with asthma?
Since the news has focused our attention on the effects of COVID-19 on people in vulnerable populations, those with asthma may become hyper-vigilant about personal hygiene and social distancing. Social distancing could improve asthma control since people who are self-quarantined are also not as exposed to seasonal triggers that include allergens or respiratory viruses. There is also evidence that people are being more attentive to taking their asthma medication during the pandemic, which can contribute to overall health.

What effect might inhaled steroids have on COVID-19 outcomes?
Inhaled corticosteroids, which are commonly used to protect against asthma attacks, also may reduce the virus’s ability to establish an infection. However, studies have shown that steroids may decrease the body’s immune response and worsen the inflammatory response. Steroids also have been shown to delay the clearing of the SARS and MERS virus — similar to SARS-CoV-2 — from the respiratory tract and thus may worsen COVID-19 outcomes. Future studies should address whether inhaled steroids in patients with asthma or allergies increase or decrease the risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and whether these effects are different depending on the steroid type.

In what way does age play a role in how asthma patients react to exposure to the virus?
A person’s susceptibility to and severity of COVID-19 infection increases with age. However, since asthma sufferers tend to be younger than those with reported high-risk conditions, age-adjusted studies could help us better understand if age is a factor in explaining why asthma patients may not be at greater risk for infection.

Children and young adults with asthma suffer mainly from allergic inflammation, while older adults who experience the same type of airway inflammation can also suffer from eosinophilic asthma — a more severe form. In these cases, people experience abnormally high levels of a type of white blood cell that helps the body fight infection, which can cause inflammation in the airways, sinuses, nasal passages and lower respiratory tract, potentially making them more at risk for a serious case of COVID-19.

In addition, an enzyme attached to the cell membranes in the lungs, arteries, heart, kidney and intestines that has been shown to be an entry point for SARS-CoV-2 into cells is increased in response to the virus. This enzyme is also thought to be beneficial in clearing other respiratory viruses, especially in children. How this enzyme affects the ability of SARS-CoV-2 to infect people with asthma is still unclear.

How might conditions in addition to asthma affect a person’s risk of infection?
Asthma tends to be associated with far fewer other conditions than chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or cardiovascular disease. If SARS-CoV-2 is a disease that causes dysfunction in the cells that line blood vessels throughout the body, then diabetes, heart disease, obesity and other diseases associated with this condition may make people more susceptible to the virus than those who are asthmatic.

Important to know

However, older people with asthma who also have high blood pressure, diabetes or heart disease may have similar instances of COVID-19 as non-asthmatics with those conditions.