Can we replace missing microbes? – Rodney Dietert Ph.D.

Defeating Asthma Series uncovers New Hope for Asthma Managementant

In this fourth in a series of interviews with Rodney Dietert, PhD Cornell University Professor Emeritus, Health Scientist Head of Translational Science + Education for SEED and the Author of the Human Super-Organism How the Microbiome is Revolutionizing the Pursuit of a Healthy Life we learn about:

* Replacing replacing missing microbes

World Asthma Foundation: Dr. Dietert can we replace missing microbes?

Dr. Dietert: There are products available and we have used a product that is a missing skin microbe. It’s very important in certain metabolic pathways that actually help provide health benefits that are beyond the skin.

Video: Can we replace missing microbes? – Rodney Dietert Ph.D.

That was one that basically was recovered in a very interesting way that involved essentially marriages between some indigenous people and others that were westernized and the microbe being able to not necessarily be removed from a remote location but being able to be a part of what we would call genetically an F1.

There are opportunities to retrieve some missing microbes. I think Dr. Blaser and his wife have done incredible work by the way as well, very much attuned and will have a lot to offer on what’s missing and where is it and can it be retrieved. I think the answer is yes. There are commercial products and we’ve actually used some of them that are the missing microbes.

It’s important to recognize that some of the indigenous peoples that have not had the same environmental experiences that we’ve had, and the same contact with modernization have microbes that are exceptionally important for health are helping prevent obesity and asthma and diabetes in those populations. Those microbes are really the protectors.

Yes, I think that reintroducing those to the extent it is possible is an extremely worthwhile effort.

I would point out that it’s a fragile situation because I think from Dr. Blaser and his wife’s work, you will learn that the indigenous populations in South America if they go into the urban areas, if their children go into the urban areas, start adopting the diet and lifestyle there, it takes no time at all for them to acquire the same set of diseases that we see so prevalent here.

World Asthma Foundation: With that, Dr. Dietert, we certainly thank you for your time, all that you do for the microbiome and the community. Good afternoon, and thanks again.

Dr. Dietert: Well, and thank you for all you do with the World Asthma foundation, Bill. Pleasure.