In this fifth in a series of interviews with Rodney Dietert PhD, he talks about communication between the gut and lung. Dr. Dietert is Cornell University Professor Emeritus, Health Scientist Head of Translational Science + Education for SEED and the Author of the Human Super-Organism How the Microbiome is Revolutionizing the Pursuit of a Healthy Life we learn about:
* The Gut and lung communication and its relationship to Asthma
World Asthma Foundation “Defeating Asthma Series uncovers New Hope for Asthma Managementant
Asthmatics: Our understanding of Asthma and the way we treat it may soon be radically different from what currently exists, due to new research on the human microbiome and how the microbiome affects asthma.
World Asthma Foundation: Research into the Microbiome and its relationship to health has improved significantly in the last few years. For example, we now know about the relationship between the gut and health. We’ve also learned about communication between the gut and the lung and the impact on Asthma. Dr. Dietert, so there’s some crosstalk, right?
Dr. Dietert: Tremendous crosstalk, absolutely tremendous. You’re correct that if you’re looking at endpoints, something like risk of asthma or management of asthma, then you really, at a minimum, are going to focus both on the respiratory system microbiome and the gut microbiome. That’s not necessarily the exclusion of others but those two are really important. Just like the gut microbiome can affect the brain, it can affect behavior, mood. You don’t need lots of hardcore meds as an antidepressant when you’ve got the solution sitting right in your gut in terms of the microbiome.
With the respiratory system, you’ve got both the local microbes being extremely important but you have crosstalk, you have chemical interactions that are originating in the gut that are affecting the respiratory system as well.
World Asthma Foundation: Dr. Dietert, we certainly thank you for your time, all that you do for the microbiome and the community. Good afternoon, and thanks again.
Dr. Dietert: Well, and thank you for all you do with the World Asthma foundation, Bill. Pleasure.
To learn more about Dr. Dietert, go here.