Asthmatic Children Had Lung Function Deficits As Newborns – Medical News Today

Asthmatic Children Had Lung Function Deficits As Newborns
Medical News Today
According to a new study from researchers in Denmark published online ahead of print publication in the American Thoracic Society's American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, children who develop asthma by the time they are seven years
Lung Function Deficits in Babies May Lead to Future AsthmaMedscape
Children who develop asthma have lung function deficits as

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Children who develop asthma have lung function deficits as neonates, study … – Science Daily (press release)

Children who develop asthma have lung function deficits as neonates, study
Science Daily (press release)
30, 2012) — Children who develop asthma by age seven have deficits in lung function and increased bronchial responsiveness as neonates, a new study from researchers in Denmark suggests. "Previous research on the relationship between neonatal lung

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Children who develop asthma have lung function deficits as neonates – Medical Xpress

Children who develop asthma have lung function deficits as neonates
Medical Xpress
Children who develop asthma by age seven have deficits in lung function and increased bronchial responsiveness as neonates, a new study from researchers in Denmark suggests. "Previous research on the relationship between neonatal lung function and the

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Lung Function At School Age Better Thanks To Breastfeeding – Medical News Today

The Inquisitr

Lung Function At School Age Better Thanks To Breastfeeding
Medical News Today
A study by researchers in Switzerland and the UK reveals that breastfeeding is linked to enhanced lung function at school age, especially in children born to asthmatic mothers. The study is published online ahead of print publication in the American
Breastfeeding Increases Lung Function, Combats Asthma, Study SaysThe Inquisitr
Breastfeeding = stronger lungs for babiesMother Nature Network (blog)
Breastfeeding tied to stronger lungs, less asthmaReuters
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Breastfeeding Linked to Better Lung Function – MedPage Today

Breastfeeding Linked to Better Lung Function
MedPage Today
"Our data suggest that, rather than acting via reduction of respiratory infections, asthma, or allergy, breastfeeding might have a direct effect on lung growth, which should be investigated further," Claudia E. Kuehni, MD, of the University of Bern in
Asthmatic Moms Who Breast-feed May Help Their Children's LungsU.S. News & World Report

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Breastfeeding and lung function at school age: Does maternal asthma modify the … – EurekAlert (press release)

Breastfeeding and lung function at school age: Does maternal asthma modify the
EurekAlert (press release)
Breastfeeding is associated with improved lung function at school age, particularly in children of asthmatic mothers, according to a new study from researchers in Switzerland and the UK. "In our cohort of school age children, breastfeeding was

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