Clinical assessment of speech correlates well with lung function during induced bronchoconstriction.

Clinical assessment of speech correlates well with lung function during induced bronchoconstriction.

NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. 2015;25:15006

Authors: Tayler N, Grainge C, Gove K, Howarth P, Holloway J

Clinical assessment of asthma often includes a crude assessment of speech, for example whether the patient can speak in full sentences. To date, this statement, despite appearing in national asthma guidelines, has not been related to lung function testing in asthma exacerbation. Seven asthmatics underwent a bronchial challenge and were then recorded reading a standardised text for 1?min. The recordings were played to 88 healthcare professionals who were asked to estimate FEV1% predicted. Health care professionals’ estimations showed moderate correlation to FEV1% predicted (rho=0.61 P<0.01). There were no significant differences between professionals grouped by seniority or speciality. Speech can intuitively be estimated by health care professionals with moderate accuracy. This gives an evidence basis for the assessment in speech in acute asthma and may provide a new avenue for monitoring.

PMID: 25719976 [PubMed – in process]

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