Asthmatic children get fewer meds when cost hits parents more – Minneapolis Star Tribune (blog)

Asthmatic children get fewer meds when cost hits parents more
Minneapolis Star Tribune (blog)
School-aged children received less asthma medication, on average, when their parents had to pay more of the cost out of pocket, according to a study released this afternoon in the influential Journal of the American Medical Association.
Most Parents Don't Fill Their Kids' Asthma Meds — StudyWall Street Journal (blog)
High Out-of-Pocket Costs for Kids' Asthma Drugs Could Pose DangersU.S. News & World Report
Cost Sharing Linked to Rise in Asthma HospitalizationsFamily Practice News Digital Network
Pioneer Press –EurekAlert (press release) –Journal of American Medical Association (subscription)
all 9 news articles »

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