Polymorphic Variants 279R and 668Q Augment Activity of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in Breath Condensates of Children with Asthma.

Polymorphic Variants 279R and 668Q Augment Activity of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in Breath Condensates of Children with Asthma.

Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2016 Jul 9;

Authors: Grzela K, Zagórska W, Krejner A, Litwiniuk M, Zawadzka-Krajewska A, Kulus M, Grzela T

Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 is involved in pathophysiology of asthma, mainly asthma-associated airway remodeling. Exhaled breath condensates (EBC) of asthmatics contain increased amounts of MMP-9 with activity higher, than in healthy controls. The increased activity of MMP-9 may originate from its excessive production and activation, but may also result from variations in MMP-9 structure, which are determined by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In this pilot study we aimed to assess the possible influence of two functional MMP-9 polymorphisms, Q279R and R668Q, on enzymatic activity of MMP-9, measured in EBC of asthmatic children. The concentration and activity of MMP-9 were analyzed in EBC of 20 children with allergic asthma using specific standard ELISA and novel immunoenzymatic activity assay. The SNPs of MMP-9 were assessed using real-time PCR-based genotyping test. We have found that MMP-9 concentration in breath condensates of children with stable asthma was slightly higher in ELISA, than in the activity assay. Moreover, these results and activity-to-amount ratio have revealed some relationship with a presence of specific 279R and/or 668Q MMP-9 gene variants. Our observation suggests that at least in some patients MMP-9 hyperactivity may result from genetic predisposition, determined by polymorphic variants of MMP-9 gene. Moreover, it supports previous reports postulating significance of MMP-9 in pathogenesis of asthma. However, this issue still requires further studies.

PMID: 27395373 [PubMed – as supplied by publisher]

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