The air you breathe makes a difference – Philippine Star

The air you breathe makes a difference
Philippine Star
It can aggravate asthma and other lung diseases and damage lungs. Ozone most often forms during warmer months, because heat and sunlight help form ozone. • Particle pollution. Particle pollution, also known as particulate matter, consists of tiny solid
Air Pollution's Effect on AsthmadailyRx
Recycle something you no longer

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Asthmatic children get fewer meds when cost hits parents more – Minneapolis Star Tribune (blog)

Asthmatic children get fewer meds when cost hits parents more
Minneapolis Star Tribune (blog)
School-aged children received less asthma medication, on average, when their parents had to pay more of the cost out of pocket, according to a study released this afternoon in the influential Journal of the American Medical Association.
Most Parents Don't Fill Their Kids' Asthma Meds — StudyWall Street Journal (blog)
High Out-of-Pocket Costs for Kids' Asthma Drugs Could Pose DangersU.S. News & World Report
Cost Sharing Linked to Rise in Asthma HospitalizationsFamily Practice News Digital Network
Pioneer Press –EurekAlert (press release) –Journal of American Medical Association (subscription)
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Medicaid drugs become target for cuts in Illinois – Peoria Journal Star

Medicaid drugs become target for cuts in Illinois
Peoria Journal Star
Medicaid covers drugs for a wide variety of illnesses, from asthma to schizophrenia, and the cost per prescription ranges from $1 for aspirin to $1600 for an HIV drug. So, for lawmakers trying to figure out how to meet Gov. Pat Quinn's goal of cutting
Closer Look: Average adult on Medicaid fills 23 prescriptions a year; drugs Chicago Tribune

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Medicaid drugs become target for Illinois’ cuts – Rockford Register Star

Medicaid drugs become target for Illinois' cuts
Rockford Register Star
Medicaid covers drugs for a wide variety of illnesses, from asthma to schizophrenia, and the cost per prescription ranges from $1 for aspirin to $1600 for an HIV drug. By Carla K. Johnson THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CHICAGO — The search for Medicaid savings
Closer Look: Medicaid drugs become target for cutsNECN
Closer Look: Average adult on Medicaid fills 23 prescriptions a year; drugs Chicago Tribune

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NY Times correspondent Anthony Shadid, 43, dies of apparent asthma attack … – Minneapolis Star Tribune


NY Times correspondent Anthony Shadid, 43, dies of apparent asthma attack
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Times photographer Tyler Hicks told the newspaper that Shadid had suffered one bout of asthma the first night, followed by a more severe attack a week later on the way out of the country. "I stood next to him and asked if he was OK,
New York Times reporter dies in SyriaCNN
'NY Times' correspondent Shadid dies in SyriaUSA TODAY
New York Times correspondent Anthony Shadid dies of apparent asthma attack Washington Post

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